Bibliography / Спицын А.А. Сопки и жальники // Записки Русского Археологического Общества. Т. XI. Вып. 1-2. СПб., 1899

Спицын А.А. Сопки и жальники // Записки Русского Археологического Общества. Т. XI. Вып. 1-2. СПб., 1899

Subject / Relics

Mentioned in articles:

Culture of Mounds
The Culture of Mounds. Mounds are high steep-side hills with the flat top and with the circle made of boulders at the foot. The area of the mound culture include basins of Ilmen Lake, the Msta, Volkhov, Luga rivers. There are mounds in the Luga,... more

Zhalniks (sepulcrums).
Zhalniks (sepulcrums), burial places of the rural population of the Novgorod land of the 12th -15th centuries. On the Leningrad Oblast territory there are known zones of the Old Russian farming colonization: the Luga-Oredezh region, the Izhora... more