Bibliography / Липатов А.А. Археологические исследования на территории Ивангородской крепости в 2004 году // Реликвия. № 3 (10). 2005.

Липатов А.А. Археологические исследования на территории Ивангородской крепости в 2004 году // Реликвия. № 3 (10). 2005.

Subject / Architecture/Fortresses and other fortifications

Mentioned in articles:

Ivangorod Fortress
Ivangorod Fortress (The Ivangorod Town is located on the right bank of river Narova) This fortress was founded in 1492 on the Devichiya Hill(Maiden Hill) and it is located opposite the castle order Narva. The fortress was named in honour of grand... more