Bibliography / «Гатчина - вчера, сегодня. Городской культурно-исторический сервер». URL:

«Гатчина - вчера, сегодня. Городской культурно-исторический сервер». URL:

Mentioned in articles:
Grand - Prix   of the film festival
Grand - Prix of the film festival "Literatura and Cinema" - composition "Garnet Bracelet"
Orchestra of the accordion players
Orchestra of the accordion players "Garmonika"
Prize of the readers jury  of the film festival
Prize of the readers jury of the film festival "Literature and Cinema" - clock "Spring"
The Building  of the Town Hospital  in Gatchina ( Architect A.E. Staubert, 1820-1822)
The Building of the Town Hospital in Gatchina ( Architect A.E. Staubert, 1820-1822)
The house of the Lutheran clergy in Gatchina (architect A.V. Kokorev, 1855)
The house of the Lutheran clergy in Gatchina (architect A.V. Kokorev, 1855)
The Ingenburg Gates in Gatchina (Architect V.A. Glinka, 1830-1832)
The Ingenburg Gates in Gatchina (Architect V.A. Glinka, 1830-1832)