Articles / Gross, George Fyodorovich (1824 - 1877), an architect

Gross, George Fyodorovich (1824 - 1877), an architect

Subject / Architecture/Personnel

Gross, George Fyodorovich (1824 - 1877), an architect, academician of architecture from 1858. Gross was certified by the St. Petersburg Academy of Arts in 1853. He served as the architect of the Palace Department. He rebuilt the building the Court Stable department in St. Petersburg in 1865. Gross designed the ensemble of Hunters' settlement in Gatchina Town (1857-1860). The ensemble included 17 similar wooden houses for hunters, a two-storied house for the chief hunter and the building of the Hunter's Office. Houses are faced in one street (now it is Komsomoltsi-Podpolshchiki Street). Hunters' houses are interesting of abundance of carved decorations with the Russian folk pattern.

Margolis, Aleksandr Davidovich

Gross, George Fyodorovich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Gatchina Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Gatchina Town/Komsomoltsi-Podpolshchiki Street

Архитекторы-строители Санкт-Петербурга сер. XIX – нач. ХХ вв.: Справочник / Под общей ред. Б.М. Кирикова. СПб., 1996., 113
Кючарианц Д. А., Раскин А. Г. Гатчина: Худож. памятники. СПб., 2001, 307-309
Сковпнев С. Егерская слобода. URL:, 307-309