Bibliography / Локшин Д. Л. Выдающиеся русские хоры и их дирижеры. М., 1953

Локшин Д. Л. Выдающиеся русские хоры и их дирижеры. М., 1953

Subject / Art/Personnel

Mentioned in articles:

Lomakin, Gavriil Yakimovich (1812 - 1885). A musician
LOMAKIN, Gavriil Yakimovich (Ioakimovich) (1812 – 1885, Gatchina Town), choirmaster, conductor, composer, teacher. He was a son of a serf. In 1811 he was taken to St.Petersburg and joined Count D.M. Sheremetev’s choir. Lomakin was a choir leader... more