Articles / Day of the culture field employees of the Leningrad Oblast, a holiday

Day of the culture field employees of the Leningrad Oblast, a holiday

Subject / Art/Festivals, holidays, shows

THE DAY OF THE LENINGRAD OBLAST CULTURE WORKERS, a professional holiday established by resolution N548-rg issued on the 2nd of November 2001 by the Leningrad Oblast Governor. It is celebrated on the last Friday of November. Festivities are held in St.Petersburg and in all the towns of the Leningrad Oblast, where the achievements of the Old Year are discussed and prize-winners of different oblast contests are awarded (including a contest of social and cultural projects “For Preservation of Traditions and Introduction of Innovations”, “Cultural Event”, “Culture Patron”). Concerts of the oblast folk and professional groups and performers are organized. Members of the Leningrad Oblast local authorities, heads of municipalities, honoured culture workers, students, workers of culture institutions take part in festivities.

Профессиональный праздник культработников // Область культуры. 2004. № 12
Праздник работников культуры // Паспорт культурной жизни регионов России в сети Интернет. Ленинградская область / РГБ. М., 2003. С. 99-100. URL:
День работников культуры Ленинградской области. URL:,¬pl=1&id=14380