Geographical Index / Leningrad Oblast, the / Vsevolozhsk District / Vsevolozhsk Town / Vsevolozhsksky Prospekt

Vsevolozhsksky Prospekt

Group name
Vsevolozhsk Town

Mentioned in articles:

"Nevskaya Zarya" ("Neva Dawn"), a newspaper
"Nevskaya Zarya" ("The Neva Dawn") (44 Vsevolozhsk Prospekt, Vsevolozhsk Town, an informational and analytical newspaper of the Vsevolozhsk District. The newspaper was founded on September 23, 1936 as the organ of the Towm Committee of the... more

The Church of the Holy Trinity (Vsevolozhsk Town)
The Church of the Holy Trinity (Vsevolozhsk Town, 64 Vsevolozhsky Prodpect ). In 1903-1904 the wooden chapel was built in the Ryabovo Station of the Irinovskaya Railway using the money of parishioners (architect V.D. Nikolya). In 1905 it... more

The Vsevolozhsk Central Library named after Yu.G. Slepukhin
VSEVOLOZHSK TOWN CENTRAL LIBRARY named after Y. G. Slepukhin (Vsevolozhsk Town, 27 Vsevolozhsksky Prospekt). Opened in 1908, with V. I. Serdyuk, priest of the Church of the Holy Trinity, among its founders. After suffering the fire in 1909 was... more

Vsevolozhsk children musical school named after M/I/ Glinka
VSEVOLOZHSK TOWN CHILDREN’S MUSICAL SCHOOL NAMED AFTER M.I. GLINKA (1, Vsevolozhsky av., Vsevolozhsk Town). It was founded in 1956, since 2000 bears the name of M.I. Glinka. Founder – Municipal Institution “Vsevolozhsky Raion” (“Vsevolozhsk... more