Articles / Kyukhelbeker, Vilhelm Karlovich (1797-1846), a poet

Kyukhelbeker, Vilhelm Karlovich (1797-1846), a poet

Subject / Literature. Mass Media./Personnel

Vilhelm Karlovich Kyukhelbeker (1797-1846), poet, revolutionary(Decembrist). Upon finishing the Imperial Lyceum at Tsarskoye Selo (1817;A.S.Pushkin's classmate) served in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and at the same time he taught Russian philology and the Latin language at a finishing school. He began his literary career in1815; a member of Free Society of Lovers of Russian Letters . At the end of November-beginning of December 1825 Vilhelm Karlovich Kyukhelbeker was recruited into the Northern Society by K.F.Ryleyev. In the summer of 1825 he was on a visit to Ryleyev's estate in Batovo. An active member of the Decembrist revolt of 14 December, 1825 in Senate square,after the suppression of the Decembrist uprising he fled from St Petersburg.He was arrested on the outskirts of Warsaw on 19 January 1826, taken to St Petersburg and imprisoned in Peter and Paul Fortress. He was sentenced to death by the Supreme court,under ratification of 10July 1826 condemned to twenty-year penal servitude. He had been held in solitary confinement in Keksgolm fortress(July 1826-April 1827), Shlisseburg fortress (April-October 1827 ) , Dinaburg, Revel,Sveaborg.At the end of 1835 he was forced into exile to Siberia. He died in Tobolsk.He continued to write in confinement and exile:he wrote an ode "Ryleyev's Shadow",a tragedy"Prokophi Lyapunov",poems "David", " Yuri and Ksenia",a novel" The Last Column",a mystery "Izhorski" and many other lyrical works.

Margolis, Aleksandr Davidovich

Kukhelbeker, Wilhelm Karlovich
Pushkin, Aleksandr Sergeyevich
Ryleyev, Kondraty Fyodorovich

Узники Шлиссельбургской крепости/Сост. Л.Б.Добринская. Л., 1978, С. 75-94
Шубин В.Ф. Поэты пушкинского Петербурга. Л., 1985., С. 14-32
Коржов С.Н. Узник Кексгольма В.К.Кюхельбекер // Сибирь и декабристы. Вып. 5. Иркутск, 1988., С. 147-156.

Subject Index
Batovo, a country estate
Korela, fortress, the
Shlisselburg Fortress, the