Articles / Ravdonikas, Vladislav Iosifovich (1894-1976), a scientist

Ravdonikas, Vladislav Iosifovich (1894-1976), a scientist

Subject / Relics/Personnel

Ravdonikas, Vladislav Iosifovich (1894, Tikhvin - 1976), an archaeologist, Corresponding Member of the Academy of Science of the USSR (1946). In the middle of the 1910s Ravdonikas has been keen on archaelogical dig of burial mounds of the Tikhvin uyezd. During 1916-1917 he was learning at Mikhailovsky Artillery College, during 1918-1923 (with breaks) he was learning at the historical and philological faculty of the Petrograd University. V.I. Ravdonikas took part into the Tikhvin Town culture and social life, he was elected as the deputy of the 9th All-Russian Congress of Soviets. From 1928 Ravdonikas was the employee of the State Academy of the Material Culture History (from 1937 - Institute of the Material Culture History), during 1944-1945 and 1946-1949 Ravdonikas was the Head of the Institute's Leningrad branch. From 1929 V.I. Ravdonikas was a professor of the Leningrad State University, during 1936-1948 he headed the department of archaeology. Ravdonikas was a creator of the theory of the Soviet archaeology of the 1930s - 1940s. Ravdonikas was the author of works on the Primitive Society History, problems of the Russian North-West History (Neolithic age, settling the Baltic-Finnish tribes, the formation of the early feudalism in lands of the Lake Ladoga region and Karelia). In the 1930s Ravdonikas explored the Neolithic relics (Oleneostrovsky Burial mound in Karelia, petroglyphes of Onega Lake and the White Sea), burial mounds of the Ladoga Lake Region of the 10-11th centuries, the Izhora burial mound in Gatchina Town. Between 1938-1941 the Leningrad State University expedition under the direction of V.I. Ravdonikas was going on the archaeological dig of the earth fortified ancient settlement of Staraya Ladoga. From the late 1940s Ravdonikas has withdrawn from the scientific effort. His effort was continued by his numerous followers.

Plotkin, Konstantin Moiseyevich

Ravdonikas, Vladislav Iosifovich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Gatchina Town
Neighbouring Territories/Karelian Republic
Topographical landmarks/Onega Lake
Topographical landmarks/Priladozhye
Leningrad Oblast, the/Volkhov District/Staraya Ladoga Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District/Tikhvin Town
Historical Toponyms/Novgorod Gubernia (Province)/Tikhvin Uyezd

Белановская Т.Д., Шаскольский И.П. 80-летие В.И. Равдоникаса // Вопросы истории. 1974. № 12., С.127-129
Международная конференция, посвященная 100-летию со дня рождения профессора В.И. Равдоникаса: Тезисы докладов. СПб., 1994, С.127-129
Столяр А.Д. В.И. Равдоникас как исследователь первобытного искусства // Проблемы археологии. 1994. Вып. 3., С.5-11, 14-29
Формозов А.А. К столетнему юбилею В.И. Равдоникаса // Российская археология. 1996. № 3., С.197-202
Борисковский П.И. Владислав Иосифович Равдоникас (1894-1976) // Вопросы истории. 1977. № 3., С. 217-218

Subject Index
Burial grounds of the Izhora people.
Kurgans (barrows) of the southern Ladoga Lake region.
Neolithic monuments, The