Bibliography / Кирпичников А. Н., Савков В. М. Крепость Орешек: Историко-архитектурный очерк. 2-е изд., испр. и доп. Л., 1979

Кирпичников А. Н., Савков В. М. Крепость Орешек: Историко-архитектурный очерк. 2-е изд., испр. и доп. Л., 1979

Subject / Architecture/Fortresses and other fortifications

Mentioned in articles:

Savkov, Vasily Mitrofanovich (1907-1978), an architect
Vasily Mitrofanovich Savkov (1907-1978), an architect- restorer, researcher of the Old Russian architecture. V.M. Savkov was a founder of the Leningrad school of architectural restoration. He jointly with E.V. Kazanskaya developed the project and... more

Shlisselburg Fortress, the
The Shlisselburg Fortress (untill 1612 it is called Oreshek, from 1612 untill 1702 – Noteburg) is an ancient Russian fortress on Orekhov Island, on the Neva River where it flows out of Lake Ladoga. In 1323 Grand Prince Yury Danilovich and citizens... more

Trezzini, Dominiko (ca. 1670-1734), an architect
Dominiko Trezzini (ca. 1670-1734), an architect. He was of Switzerland origin. He arrived into Russia in 1703. The stone Peter and Paul Fortress, SS Peter and Paul Cathedral, the Summer Palace of Peter I in the Summer Garden were built and... more