Articles / Tikhvin District

Tikhvin District

Subject / Topography/Administrative - territorial division

TIKHVIN DISTRICT, municipal entity. Population: 14,600. Area: 6997.5 sq. km. Adm. center: Tikhvin Town. The district comprises 198 rural localities united into 8 rural settlements. It is located in the east and south-east of Leningrad Oblast. It borders Volkhov and Kirishi Districts in the west, Novgorod Oblast and Boksitogorsk District in the south, with Vologda Oblast and Boksitogorsk District in the east, and with Lodeynoye Pole and Podporozhye Districts in the north. It was established in the making of Leningrad Oblast in 1927in a part of the former Tikhvin Uyezd of Cherepovets Gubernia. The district’s area noticeably changed twice. In 1952, its eastern part went to the new-established Boksitogorsk District, and in 1965 T. D. received the area of the abolished Kapshino District (except for the extreme north-eastern part that went to Boksitogorsk District.) Currently, T. D. is one of the largest districts in the oblast. The Russian population predominates; Vepses live in Pashozero rural settlement in the north-east. The district’s area is crossed from north-west to south-east by the St. Petersburg-Vologda railroad. Almost parallel to it is the Novaya Ladoga-Yaroslavl highway. A railway branch to Budogosch station extends south-west of Tikhvin Station. The most ancient settlements in the T. D. territory are dated the Neolithic Age (3rd – 4th millennium BC.) In the Dark Ages, there was ethno-cultural interaction of the Slav, Baltic Finnish, and Scandinavian residents. The numerous archeological monuments, medieval mounds of the 10th-13th cc., are located on river banks. Near Gorodische village on the Syas River there are remnants of a large settlement of the medieval period as suppose. From the early 19th c. till the mid-1960s, the route of the Tikhvin Waterway extended across the district, which was the center of the region’s economic and cultural life. Some dams and water gates of the waterway have survived. T. D. has architectural monuments of the 18th-early 20th cc. The most valuable ones are St. Nicholas’s church (1711) in Zaruchevye village, Assumption chapel (1823) in Kharagenichi village, residential houses of the late 19th and early 20th cc. in Lukino village, and 19th century barns in the villages of Vakhrushevo, Mungova Gora, Ust-Kapsha. Large settlements have obelisks in honor of countrymen who perished in WW2. The district has a centralized library system (comprising 27 libraries), six culture and leisure centers, ten culture centers, and six social clubs. Alaborg, a regional center for search and preservation of cultural values, does research and publishing work. Five newspapers (in particular, “Trudovaya Slava”) are published in the district, Tikhvin included; Tikhvin TV company and Radio Tikhvin studio broadcast. Since the early 2000s, historical/ cultural and pilgrimage touring has been developing in the district. The Veps Forest natural park was established in the north-east of T. D. in 2001.

Yegorov, Sergey Borisovich

Neighbouring Territories/Vologda Oblast, the/Babayevo District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Boksitogorsk District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kirishi District/Budogoshch Urban Settlement
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District/Gorodishche Village (Il\yinskaya Volost)
Historical Toponyms/Kapshinsky District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kirishi District
Historical Toponyms/Korvalsky Village Soviet of Kapshinsky District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Lodeynoye Pole District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District/Pashozero Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Podporozhye District
Topographical landmarks/Syas River, the
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District/Tikhvin Town
Historical Toponyms/Novgorod Gubernia (Province)/Tikhvin Uyezd
Historical Toponyms/Cherepovets Gubernia/Tikhvinsky Uyezd
Leningrad Oblast, the/Volkhov District

Краснов Н.В. Тихвин Л., 1971. 175 с.: ил.
Крупейченко И.П. Тайны Тихвинской земли. История края с древнейших времён до XIV века. Тихвин, 1996
Крупейченко И.П., Балясов Н.К. Тихвин прежде и теперь. Л., 1970.
Культура Ленинградской области на рубеже тысячелетий. СПб., 2003, С. 92-93
Мордвинов И.П. Старый Тихвин и Нагорное Обонежье: Ист. очерк. Тихвин, 1925, С. 92-93
Мурашева И.И. История Тихвинского края: Учебное пособие. Тихвин, 1999, С. 92-93
Равдоникас В.И. Доисторическое прошлое Тихвинского края. – Тихвин: Губиздат, 1924. – 37 с., С. 92-93
Самушенкова М.Л., Файнштейн Л.А., Шаскольский И.П. Тихвин: Ист.-краевед. очерк. Л., 1984., С. 92-93
Файнштейн Л.А., Шаскольский И.П. Тихвин. Л.: Лениздат, 1961., С. 92-93
Тихвинский сборник. Выпуск 1. Археология Тихвинского края. Тихвин, 1988, С. 92-93
Тихвин официальный. URL:, С. 92-93

Subject Index
"Alaborg", a regional centre on searching and preserving cultural treasures.
The Church of Sainted Hierach Nicholas the Wonderworker (Zaruchevye Village, Tikhvin District)
Tikhvin Canal System
"Tikhvinskoye televideniye" ("TV Broadcasting of Tikhvin Town"), a TV company