Oyatskaya ceramics
Oyatskaya ceramicsSubject / Ethnic culture/Ethnic communities/ Subject / Ethnic culture// Authors
Kisilev, Vladimir Ivanovich
Boytsov, Aleksey Zakharyevich
Lukichev, Aleksey Vasilyevich Romanov, Grigory Matveyevich Smirnov, Aleksey Aleksandrovich Geography
Leningrad Oblast, the/Lodeynoye Pole District/Alyokhovshchina Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Lodeynoye Pole District Historical Toponyms/Saint Petersburg Gubernia, the/Lodeynoye Pole Uyezd Historical Toponyms/Oyat District Topographical landmarks/Oyat River, the Historical Toponyms/Sotsky Pogost Topographical landmarks/Syas River, the Bibliography
Киселев В.И. «От добрых рук ничего не уходит» // Область культуры. 2006. № 5., 57-60
Косменко А.П. Народное декоративно-прикладное искусство. Керамика. URL: http://www.vepsia.ru, http://www.vepsia.ru/tr_culture/iskustvo.php#niz Оятская керамика. URL: http://oyatskaya.813.ru, http://www.vepsia.ru/tr_culture/iskustvo.php#niz Храмы, соборы, церкви, часовни. URL: http://www.lenobl.ru/culture/heritage/cultus/temple?notpl=1, http://www.vepsia.ru/tr_culture/iskustvo.php#niz Subject Index
The Church of Archangel Michael (Alekhovshchino Village, Lodeinoye Pole District) Veps Mentioned in articles: