Articles / Oyatskaya ceramics

Oyatskaya ceramics

Subject / Art/Art trades and crafts
Subject / Ethnic culture/Ethnic communities/
Subject / Ethnic culture//

OYAT POTTERY. Pottery existed in Russian and Veps villages on the Oyat River (modern Lodeynoye Pole District) from time immemorial. It was due to deposits of high quality red clay. Pottery was especially developed in the XVIII c. Oyat potters mostly produced different kinds of tableware and also handmade clay toys. The fact that Russian and Veps folks lived very close to each other affected the creation of common design for Oyat Pottery - short shapes of pots and stamped pattern. Besides stamps potters used embossed painting with a cone as well as white and black "angobnaya" painting (with liquid clay). From time to time green paint (copper sulphate) was used. In the beginning of the XX c. potters from Sotsky Pogost in Shapshinskaya Volost, Lodeynoye Pole Uezd alone produced more than 400 thousand pieces of pottery for sale. In 1928 there were 194 peasant "gorshechnaya" ("potteries") (huts where moulding and baking of pottery was made) in Oyat District. In 1969 in Alekhovschina Village, Lodeynoye Pole District a pottery workshop (later – Co Ltd. "Oyatskaya Keramika" ("Oyat Pottery")) was founded. Some experienced potters, such as Lukichev A.V., Boitsov A.Z., Romanov G.M., Smirnov A.A., were involved in work, they helped to restore the traditions of Oyat Pottery. In 1990s a church of Archangel Michael was restored in the village, its interior decoration includes pieces of pottery produced at the local enterprise. The enterprise was destroyed by the fire in 2004 and at present a new pottery is being prepared to be built. In the village a centre of craft revival, including pottery (under the guidance of Ivanova L.), is run.

Kisilev, Vladimir Ivanovich

Boytsov, Aleksey Zakharyevich
Lukichev, Aleksey Vasilyevich
Romanov, Grigory Matveyevich
Smirnov, Aleksey Aleksandrovich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Lodeynoye Pole District/Alyokhovshchina Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Lodeynoye Pole District
Historical Toponyms/Saint Petersburg Gubernia, the/Lodeynoye Pole Uyezd
Historical Toponyms/Oyat District
Topographical landmarks/Oyat River, the
Historical Toponyms/Sotsky Pogost
Topographical landmarks/Syas River, the

Киселев В.И. «От добрых рук ничего не уходит» // Область культуры. 2006. № 5., 57-60
Косменко А.П. Народное декоративно-прикладное искусство. Керамика. URL:,
Оятская керамика. URL:,
Храмы, соборы, церкви, часовни. URL:,

Subject Index
The Church of Archangel Michael (Alekhovshchino Village, Lodeinoye Pole District)

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