Articles / Krasovsky, Mikhail Vitoldovich (1874 - 1939), an architect

Krasovsky, Mikhail Vitoldovich (1874 - 1939), an architect

Subject / Architecture/Personnel

Mikhail Vitoldovich Krasovsky (1874 - 1939), an architect, teacher, historian of architecture. M.V. Krasovsky graduated from the Institute of Civil Engineers in 1899. He was the architect N.V. Sultanov's student. From 1903 Krasovsky was a teacher, from 1920 he was a professor, in the 1920s he became the Civil Enfineers Institute Architecture Department Dean. During 1903-1917 being an architect of Count S.D. Sheremetyev, he built "Sheremetyevsky Passage" ("Sheremetyev's Shopping Mall") in Liteyniy Prospekt in St. Petersburg in 1914. In Soviet time Krasovsky designed industrial constructions. He was the author of the study on the Russian architecture history. Mikhail Vitoldovich Krasovsky jointly with the architect V.P. Apyshkov built the Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God in the urban settlement of Vyritsa in 1912. In 1937-1939 he did series of the park constructions measure drafts in Gtachina Town.

Margolis, Aleksandr Davidovich

Apyshkov, Vladimir Petrovich
Krasovsky, Mikhail Vitoldovich
Sheremetev, Sergey Dmitriyevich, Count
Sultanov, Nikolay Vladimirovich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Gatchina Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Vyritsa Urban Settlement

Славина Т.А. Михаил Витольдович Красовский и русская историко-архитектурная наука // Архитектурное наследство. №33. М., 1985., 259-265
Архитекторы-строители Санкт-Петербурга сер. XIX – нач. ХХ вв.: Справочник / Под общей ред. Б.М. Кирикова. СПб., 1996., 178

Subject Index
The Church of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God (Vyritsa Town, Gatchina District)