Articles / Karazin, Nikolay Nikolayevich (1842-1908), an artist, man of letters

Karazin, Nikolay Nikolayevich (1842-1908), an artist, man of letters

Subject / Art/Personnel

KARAZIN, Nikolay Nikolayevich (1842 – 1908, Gatchina Town), artist, literary man, traveler. In 1862 he graduated from Moscow Corps of Pages, served in a dragoon regiment. In the period 1865-67 he was an auditor student at the St.Petersburg Imperial Academy of Arts, later he trained in Paris, took lessons from G. Dore. Karazin took part in Bukhara Campaign (1868). In 1870s he wrote and published adventure stories and novels about Turkey with his own illustrations. He wrote six novels, several narratives, stories, war stories. Karazin worked as an artist for scientific expeditions to the Middle East (1874, 1879), to India (1890-95). Since 1881 he participated in exhibitions of the Imperial Academy of Arts. Karazin was one of the founders of the Society of Russian Watercolourists. In 1907, due to doctors’ advice, he settled down in Gatchina Town (Baggovutovskaya st., modern Chkalova st.; the house doesn’t exist). Karazin was buried in St.Petersburg in Nicholas Cemetery of Alexander Nevsky Laura.

Kruzhnov, Yuri Nikolayevich

Dore, Gustav
Karamzin, Nikolay Nikolayevich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Gatchina Town/Chkalov Street
Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Gatchina Town

Семитрашова И. Академик живописи, писатель, воин // Чудеса и приключения. 1993. № 9-10
Гатчина: Страницы истории /Сост. Т.Ф.Родионова.-СПб.: «Издат. дом Герда», 2001.-207 с.: ил.
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