The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God (Penino Village, Slantsy District)
The Cathedral of the Nativity of the Mother of God (Penino Village, Slantsy District)Authors
Shkarovsky, Mikhail Vitalyevich
Bertash, Aleksandr Vitalyevich Persons
Ioann of Kronstadt (Ivan Ilyich Sergiyev)
Kadnikov, Ioann Vasilyevich, archpriest Nikonov, Nikolay Nikitich Geography
Leningrad Oblast, the/Slantsi District/Penino Village
Мнушко А. И. Пенино. Козья Гора // Санкт-Петербургские епархиальные ведомости. 2003. Вып. 28-29., С.77-78
Пенино (Сумерский погост). URL: http://www.rogatka.orthodoxy.ru, С.77-78 Mentioned in articles: