Articles / Boksitogorsk, town

Boksitogorsk, town

Subject / Topography/Cities

BOKSITOGORSK, town, adm. center of Boksitogorsk District. Population: 17,400. It is situated on the Pyardomlya River, a right-hand tributary of the Volozhba. It was founded in 1929 at the place of development of bauxite deposits, and was named Boksity Settlement. On Aug. 20, 1935 it was transformed into Boksitogorsk Workers’ Settlement. On May 16, 1950 it got the status of a town, to become the center of the new-established Boksitogorsk District in 1952. B. has access to the Novaya Ladoga-Yaroslavl highway, via which it is connected to most inhabited localities of the district. Until the late 20th century, the 20 km Boksitogorsk – Bolshoy Dvor railway was in operation. Currently, the town residents use Tikhvin railway station located 36 km away from B. The Volozhba river flowing 5 km west of B. was an important traffic route in the Middle Ages, connecting the basins of the Baltic and Caspian Seas. The first written evidence of settlements on the site of the current town and its environs is dated 16th century. In particular, Pyardomsky Pogost was located there. Regular development is typical for B., since the town was formed and developed in the Soviet period to urban development plans. The construction proceeded on the lands of Krutik, Guba, and Podsosna villages, which were canceled later; their names became part of the town’s toponymics. The architectural ensemble of the town center was formed in the 1950s–1960s. In the 1970s–1990s, living quarters were mostly built in the eastern part of the city. The town’s central square has a monument to V. I. Lenin; in 1995, a memorial to warriors who died from wounds in local hospitals was erected in the town cemetery; at an outskirt, a granite cross was erected in memory of German and Hungarian soldiers and officers who died in the war prisoners’ camp. B. has the central district library and a children’s library, Children’s Creativity House, Palace of Culture, school of arts, children’s art school, and Center of History and Culture of the Native Land. The “Novy Put” newspaper is published. Since 1993, the “Provincial Meetings of Russia” festival has been held in the town; celebration of the Metallurgist Day is arranged every July.

Yegorov, Sergey Borisovich

Historical Toponyms/Boksiti (Bauxite)
Leningrad Oblast, the/Boksitogorsk District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Boksitogorsk District/Bolshoy Dvor Settlement, Railway Station
Historical Toponyms/Guba Village
Historical Toponyms/Krutik Village
Historical Toponyms/Podsosna Village
Topographical landmarks/Pyardomlya River, the
Historical Toponyms/Pyardomsky Pogost
Topographical landmarks/Volozhba River, the

Кисловский С.В. Бокситогорск: Историко-краеведческий очерк Л. 1960.
Калинин М.А., Федяев А.И. Бокситогорск – Пикалево. Л.. 1983.
Бокситогорск. Главный портал города. URL:

Subject Index
Boksitogorsk Central Library, the
Boksitogorsk Centre of the History and Culture of the Native Land
Boksitogorsk children art school
Boksitogorsk children arts school
Boksitogorsk Children Library, the
Boksitogorsk House of Children Creativity
Boksitogorsk Palace of Culture
Celebration in honour of the Day of Workers of the Metallurgy Industry
"The province meetings of art masters of Russia", a musical festival
V.I. Lenin, monument to; (Boksitogorsk Town)