Articles / Kalinin, Mikhail Alekseyevich (1927-1973), a scientist

Kalinin, Mikhail Alekseyevich (1927-1973), a scientist

Subject / Local studies/Personnel

Kalinin, Mikhail Alekseyevich (1927, the village of Vyalgino of the Tikhvin district -1973, Boksitogorsk Town), a local historian, enlightener. M.A. Kalinin graduated from the Tikhvin Teacher's Training School in 1946. He studied at the Leningrad State Teacher's Training College named after A.I. Gertsen where he graduated from two departments (the geographic one in 1950 and the historic one in 1968) by correspondence. At the same time from 1946 Kalinin worked at the Boksitogorsk secondary school No. 1 as a primary teacher, then from 1949 he taught geography. M.A. Kalinin was an organizer od the pathfinder movement in the Boksitigorsk district and he organized nine exploring groups at the school. He actively popularized the local history, worked at the Society "Znaniye" ("The Knowledge"). Kalinin is an initiator of founding the Museum of the Battle Glory and the memorial complex in Astracha Village (see: "Astracha. 1941", a museum) as well as the school museum of the local history. M.A. Kalinin together with school children took part in hikes and led the team which was victorious more than once at district and oblast tourist rallies. He was a full member of the Geographic Society of the USSR. Kalinin is the author of many articles on the region history and geography that were published in the newspaper "Novy put" ("The New Way"). One of Boksitogorsk's street was named Krasniye Sledopyti Street in recognition of the importance of the searching work of Kalinin and his pupils. M.A. Kalinin was buried at the cemetery of Boksitogorsk Town.

Yegorov, Sergey Borisovich

Kalinin, Mikhail Alekseyevich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Boksitogorsk District/Astracha, village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Boksitogorsk District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Boksitogorsk District/Boksitogorsk Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Boksitogorsk District/Boksitogorsk Town/Krasniye Sledopyti (Red Pathfinders) Street
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District/Vyalgino Village

Страницы истории Бокситогорского района. URL:

Subject Index
"Astracha. 1941", a museum.
"Novy put" ("The New Way"), a newspaper