Articles / Kaybolovo, village

Kaybolovo, village

Subject / Topography/Villages

KAYBOLOVO, a village in Kingisepp District. Population: 75. It is located on the Suma River (north-western part of the Izhora Hills). 2 km west of K., the Kaybolovskoye ancient site was discovered. It is an earthwork dated 2nd half of the 12th to 1st half of the 13th century, and probably destroyed during an attack of German knights on Novgorod’s lands in 1241. In the 15th-16th cc. K. was a center of iron trade. In 1796, the Kaybola (Kaybala) Estate was granted to A. K. Rotkirch by Paul I. A thoroughly rebuilt manor house and a part of the park have survived. The (survivor) wooden chapel of St. Anastasia the Martyr was built in the 1860s (it is survived). According to other sources, it was the church of St. Nicholas the Miracle Worker built in K. in 1713-1714 that was turned into the chapel.

Chistyakov, Anton Yuryevich

Paul I, Emperor
Rotkirkh, Adam (Adolf-Reingold) Karlovich

Topographical landmarks/Izhora Hills, the
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kingisepp District
Topographical landmarks/Suma River, the

Мурашова Н.В. Дворянские усадьбы Санкт-Петербургской губернии: Кингисеппский район /Н.В.Мурашова, Л.П. Мыслина. – СПб.: 2003.- 288 с.: ил., С.62-67
Рябинин Е.А. Городища Водской земли // Краткие сообщения Института археологии. 1984. № 179, С.45-53