Articles / Bogdanov, Nikolay Ivanovich (1904-1959), a scholar

Bogdanov, Nikolay Ivanovich (1904-1959), a scholar

Subject / Ethnic culture/Personnel

Nikolay Ivanovich Bogdanov (1904-1959) was a linguist, one of the makers of the Veps(ian) language and written language. He graduated from the philological faculty of the Leningrad University (1938), he was a student of professor D.V.Bubrich. In the beginning of the 1930s he worked as a teacher of the primary school in Shimozero Krai in the Leningrad Oblast, a head of the people's education department of Oshta Settlement, taught courses for teachers in Domozhirovo Village, organized Veps department in the Teachers' Training College in Lodeinoye Pole. Since 1938 he worked as a research assistant, since 1947 - a scientific secretary, since 1952 - a head of Linguistics Union of the Karelian Research Institution of Culture (Petrozavodsk). He wrote and defend the thesis on the subject "Istoria razvitia leksiki vepsskogo yazyka" (1952, "The History of Developing the Veps Language Vocabulary"). He took part in the research expedition in the Veps regions of the Leningrad Oblast, in making and editing school textbooks in the Veps language. He was an author of the works on the Baltic-Finnic linguistics, Veps' and Karelian folklore.

Yegorov, Sergey Borisovich

Bogdanov, Nikolay Ivanovich
Bubrich, Dmitry Vladimirovich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Lodeynoye Pole District/Domozhirovo Village

Винокурова И.Ю. Память об учёном — в его трудах // «Kodima» («Родная земля»). Спецвыпуск газеты «Прионежье». 1994 г., февраль, № 2 (11)., С. 2.
Современная наука о вепсах: достижения и перспективы (памяти Н.И.Богданова). Петрозаводск, 2006, С. 2.

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