Articles / Folklore


Subject / Art
Subject / Ethnic culture//

FOLKLORE of folks living in the Leningrad Oblast (ref. Ethnic communities in Leningrad Oblast) is multilayer polyethnic heritage which appeared as a result of rich history of the region. One of the first people to study the Veps in the period of 1824-29 was Schegren A.M. who described their dense habitation, way of life, occupations, language and folklore. The Veps, the Finns-Ingermanlandish, the Izhoras and the Vods were studied by Lennorot E., Europeus D. and other Finnish scientists. In the period of 1908-48 the Finnish Literature Society published the edition "Drevnie Runy Finskogo Naroda" ("The Ancient Runes of the Finns") (33 volumes) which contained records of authentic traditional epic and lyric songs and spells of these folks including those collected in the Leningrad Oblast. In the second half of the XXc. scientists from Karelia and Estonia continued studying the folklore. In the period of 1960s–1980s songs composed of Kalevala rhymes belonging to the Izhors who lived on the Soikinsky and Kurgolovsky Peninsulas were recorded. Students of folklore from Petrozavodsk City issued two collections "Narodnye Pesni Ingermanlandii" ("Folk Songs of Ingermanland") (1974) and an anthology "Ingermanlandskaya Epicheskaya Poezia" ("Epic Poetry of Ingermanland") (1990). Grigorieva I.P., a director of a folk group "Rientyushky" (Rappolovo Village, Vsevolozhsk District), published her research on music culture of the Finns-Ingermanlandish in 1995. The most significant publications about the Veps' folklore are: "Obraztsy Vepskoy Rechy" ("Examples of the Veps' Speech") (1969), "Vepskie Narodnye Skazky" ("Folk Tales of the Veps") (1996). Russian folklore on the territory of the Leningrad Oblast started to be sudied only in the end of the XIXc. In 1889 K.P.Galler's collected texts and musical notations of Luga Uyezd folk songs were issued; in 1916 materials about wedding ceremonies and songs collected by a farmworker Maksimov I. were published in the magazine "Zhivaya Starina" ("Live Old Days"). Active collecting of Russian folklore started in the second half of the XXc. In 1960s folk expeditions in different districts of the Leningrad Oblast were made by St.Petersburg Conservatoire, St.Petersburg Culture and Arts Institute (University) (SpbSUCA), Russian History of Arts Institute and the Leningrad Oblast Amateur and Folk Arts House; several collections of pieces of music and songs were published. A considerable contribution to the Leningrad Oblast folklore research, including research on the Soviet period folklore, was made by Bakhtin V.S. In 1995 Tikhvin Folklore Archive (TFA), dealing with the study of folklore and ethnography in the former Tikhvin Uyezd, was opened in SpbSUCA. It was based on the materials of numerous folklore expeditions made in the northern districts of Novgorod City Oblast and the northeastern districts of the Leningrad Oblast. Expeditions made by the Leningrad Oblast Culture and Arts Methodology and Training Centre (LOCAMTC) regularly collect pieces of music and songs, ethnographical descriptions of celebrations and rituals. Audio library of LOCAMTC is one of the largest collections of the Leningrad Oblast folklore records.

Lapin, Victor Arladyevich

Bakhtin, Vladimir Solomonovich
Europeus, Daniel
Galler, K.P.
Grigoryeva, I.P.
Lennorot, Elias
Maksimov, I.
Schegren, Andrey Mikhaylovich

Neighbouring Territories/Estonia
Neighbouring Territories/Karelian Republic
Topographical landmarks/Kurgolovsky Peninsula, the
Historical Toponyms/Saint Petersburg Gubernia, the/Luga Uyezd
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vsevolozhsk District/Rappolovo Village
Topographical landmarks/Soikinsky Peninsula, the
Historical Toponyms/Novgorod Gubernia (Province)/Tikhvin Uyezd

Русские народные песни, записанные в Ленинградской области 1931 – 1949 гг. Л., М., 1950;
Рубцов Ф.А. Народные песни Ленинградской области. М., 1958
Бахтин В.С. 1000 частушек Ленинградской области. Л., 1969
Бахтин В.С. Песни Ленинградской области. Л., 1978
Бахтин В.С. Сказки, песни, частушки, присловья Ленинградской области. Л., 1982
Лапин В.А. Русские свадебные песни у вепсов.// Проблемы музыкального фольклора народов СССР. М., 1973
Лапин В.А. Вепсы и русские в музыкально-фольклорных традициях Северо-Запада // Проблемы истории и культуры вепсской народности. Петрозаводск, 1989
Народные песни Ингерманландии. Л., 1974
Мальми В. Народные танцы Карелии и Ингерманландии // Финно-угорский музыкальный фольклор и взаимосвязи с соседними культурами. Таллинн, 1980
Народные песни Ленинградской области: Старинная свадьба Сланцевского района. Л., 1985
Музыкально-песенный фольклор Ленинградской области., вып. 1-2, Л., 1987 – 1989
Фольклорные традиции Тихвинской земли. Тезисы научно-практической конференции. Л., 1989
Ингерманландская эпическая поэзия: Антология. Петрозаводск, 1990
Григорьева И.П. Музыкальная культура ингерманландских финнов второй половины XIX и ХХ столетий. СПб, 1995
Лобанов М.А. Лесные кличи: Вокальные мелодии-сигналы на Северо-Западе России. СПб., 1997
Тихвинский фольклорный архив: Исследования и материалы. Вып I. СПб., 2000
Атрощенко Н.О., Румянцева А.Е. Обзор фонотеки фольклорных материалов ЛОУМЦК и И // Область культуры, 2005, № 11., 26-42
Сланцевские старожилы // Область культуры. 2007. № 2., 26-42

Subject Index
Finns of Ingermanlandia
Izhora (Izhora men)
Learning - Methodical Centre of Culture and Art of the Leningrad Oblast
Vod (Votes)

Mentioned in articles:

Bogdanov, Nikolay Ivanovich (1904-1959), a scholar
Nikolay Ivanovich Bogdanov (1904-1959) was a linguist, one of the makers of the Veps(ian) language and written language. He graduated from the philological faculty of the Leningrad University (1938), he was a student of professor D.V.Bubrich. In... more