Articles / Pulkin, Vasily Andreyevich (1923-1985), a literary man

Pulkin, Vasily Andreyevich (1923-1985), a literary man

Subject / Literature. Mass Media./Personnel

Pulkin, Vasily Andreyevich (1923, Nyurgovichi village of the Lukinskaya volost, the Tikhvin uyezd, the Cherepovetsk gubernia (now it is the Tikhvin district of the Leningrad oblast) - 1985), a writer, teacher. V.A. Pulkin graduated from the factory school in Tikhvin town, then the Teacher's Training School and worked as a teacher at a school. In the 1950s Pulkin was the Head of the kolkhoz "Avangard" in the Kapshinsky district. In the 1970s-1989s V.A. Pulkin lived in Kirovsk town, worked as a teacher, principal of a vocational school. In the middle of the 1970s the first Pulkin's publicistic works were published in the Tikhvin district newspaper "Trudovaya slava" ("The Labour Glory"). These articles told about the Kapshinsky district peasants' life in the middle of the 1950s. Pulkin's first story "Azbuka detstva" ("The Alphabet of the Childhood") was published in the magazine "Sever" ("The North") in 1981, then the story "Gkubokiye vodi Korbyarvi") ("The Deep Waters of the Korbyarvi") was issued in 1985. The book "Vozvrashcheniye v skazku" (Returning into the Tale", 1986) was issued after his death. Pulkin's stories devoted to the life of the Veps land in the first third of the 20th century. The author, who was born and grew up in the Veps' village, showed the Veps people everyday life very expressive, because he included the Veps folklore in his works written in Russian. In the 1990s the story "Azbuka detstva" ("The Alphabet of the Childhood") was translated in Veps language and it published in the Veps newspaper "Kodima". V.A. Pilkin was buried at the cemetery in Kirovsk town.

Yegorov, Sergey Borisovich

Pulkin, Vasily Andreyevich

Historical Toponyms/Kapshinsky District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kirovsk District/Kirovsk Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District/Nyurgovichi Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District/Tikhvin Town

Зайцева Н. Вепсская литература: в начале пути. Kodima. 1999. № 7, С.3
Спиридонова И. Вепская литература: Проблемы становления // Север. 1993. № 11., С.124-135
Спиридонова И. Его судьба – судьба народа» // Kodima. 1995. № 3 (24)., С.3

Subject Index
"Kodima" ("Rodnata Zemlya" ("Native Land")), a newspaper
"Trudovaya slava" ("Labour Fame"), a newspaper