Bibliography / Эренсверд У. Шведское картографирование Ингерманландии // Шведы на берегах Невы. Стокгольм, 1998

Эренсверд У. Шведское картографирование Ингерманландии // Шведы на берегах Невы. Стокгольм, 1998

Subject / Topography

Mentioned in articles:

Maps and plans
MAPS AND PLANS. The oldest M.a .P. of the Leningrad Oblast area are dated 16th century. The Neva Land and the Karelian Isthmus with the towns of Noteborg (Schlusselburg) and Kexholm (Priozersk), although with many distortions, are presented in... more

Swedes (their native name is Svenskar) is an ethnic community. The Swedish language is related to the Germanic group of the Indo-European language family. The religious Swedes are Lutherans. At present they live mainly in Sweden (7,75 million... more