Bibliography / Тютенков А.Г. Сясьстрой: десять шагов в будущее. История Сясьского целлюлозно-бумажного комбината. Л., 1978.

Тютенков А.Г. Сясьстрой: десять шагов в будущее. История Сясьского целлюлозно-бумажного комбината. Л., 1978.

Subject / Topography/Cities

Mentioned in articles:

Syasstroy, town
SYASSTROY, a town in Volkhov District. Population: 13,700. It situated in the lower reach of the Syas River, where the Valgomka flows into it. The etymology of the name is typical for settlements attached to industrial facilities erected in the... more