Articles / Simiryagina, Vera Leontyevna, (1906-1962), a librarian

Simiryagina, Vera Leontyevna, (1906-1962), a librarian

Subject / Archives. Libraries./Personnel

Vera Leontyevna SIMIRYAGINA (1906 – 1962, Rozhdestveno Village, Gatchina District), librarian, teacher training college graduate. From 1947 to 1962 she was in charge of Rozhdestveno Village library. In 1956 she was a delegate to All-Union Agricultural Exhibition in Moscow and was awarded with a greater silver medal for promotion of agricultural knowledge / education. In 1956 the library took the first place in the Leningrad Oblast contest for village libraries. In 1957 on the initiative of V. L. Simiryagina the library became home to the first local history museum in the Leningrad Oblast. In 1959 it was also awarded as “the best RSFSR library”. In 1959 to 1961 the library received delegations of library workers from the US and Czechoslovakia. V. L. Simiryagina was buried in Rozhdestveno Village cemetery.

Blyudova, Lyudmila Konstantinovna

Simiryagina, Vera Leontyevna

Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Rozhdestveno Village

Бабинцев С.М. Библиотека села Рождествено. – М., 1958
Музей-усадьба «Рождествено». URL:

Subject Index
Rozhdestveno Rural Library, the