Articles / Putoria, a country estate

Putoria, a country estate

Subject / Architecture/Country estates


Mentioned in articles:

Melnikovo, settlement
MELNIKOVO (Finnish Räisälä before 1948), a settlement in Priozersk District. Population: 2100. Located on the banks of the northern branch of the Vuoksa River. In 1948, the settlement was renamed first Otradnoye, and then Melnikovo, in memory of... more

Shvindt, Teodor (1851-1917), a scholar
Peter (Pyotr) Teodor Shvindt (1851, Putoria Estate in Räisälä; now Melnikovo Settlement in Priozresk District - 1917) was an archaeologist, ethnographer, folklorist. He finished a grammar school in the town of Vyborg, studied in the Polytechnic... more