Bibliography / Книга об иконе Богоматери Одигитрии Тихвинской / Сост. Е.В. Крушельницкая. СПб., 2004

Книга об иконе Богоматери Одигитрии Тихвинской / Сост. Е.В. Крушельницкая. СПб., 2004

Subject / Religion. Church/Monasteries and convents

Mentioned in articles:

Tikhvin Dormition Convent, the
The Tikhvin Dormition Convent (the town of Tikhvin). The parish wooden church of the Dormition of the Mother of God was built on the Tikhvinka River bank in the memory of the Finding of the miracle-working icon of the Mother of God the Hodigitria... more