Articles / Tikhvin Town Library named after Ya.I. Berednikov

Tikhvin Town Library named after Ya.I. Berednikov

Subject / Archives. Libraries./Libraries

TIKHVIN TOWN LIBRARY named after Ya.I. Berednikov (50, 5th postal area, Tikhvin Town). The library was opened in 1954 and traces its history to the town public library, founded in 1890, which contained around 8,000 volumes from private collection of V. D. Krenke. In 1999 the library was given the name of Ya. I. Berdniklov. Its general-purpose fund numbers 50,000 items, with 95,000 loans a year. The library has over 3,500 readers, with 28,000 visits annually. Since 1990 it has run area study association “Obshchestvo lyubiteley starogo Tikhvina” (The Old Tikhvin Admirer Society). Tikhvin Town maintains strong links with the town of Heruville-Saint-Clair, its twin town, and the French centre “Toutus Tera” (All the Earth) has been founded on the basis of the library. The library also offers a collection of books in French.
L. K. Blyudova

Blyudova, Lyudmila Konstantinovna

Berednikov, Yakov Ivanovich
Krenke, Victor Danilovich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District/Tikhvin Town/5-y Neighbourhood (the Fifth Neighbourhood)

Хабукина Н.А. Тихвинская городская библиотека им. Я.И.Бередникова // Летописец: Тихвинский краеведческий альманах. Вып.2. – Тихвин, 2004., С.42
Хабукина Н.А. Клуб краеведов, или «Общество любителей старого Тихвина» // Летописец: Тихвинский краеведческий альманах. Вып.1. – Тихвин, 2004., С.36-47

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