Articles / Tikhvin, town

Tikhvin, town

Subject / Topography/Cities

TIKHVIN, town, adm. center of Tikhvin District. It is situated on the Tikhvinka River. Population: 63,300. Close to T. is the Novaya Ladoga-Yaroslavl highway. Within the town lines there is Tikhvin railway station on the St. Petersburg-Vologda railway. Neolithic archeological monuments (3rd millennium BC) have been found in the T. territory. From 1383, T. was known as the Blessed Virgin’s Tikhvin Pogost. In the 16th, it developed into a trading quarter , i.e. a settlement of traders and artisans, and the monastery fortifications were erected. In the Middle Ages it was a center of the region’s religious, economic, and cultural life. In 1613, during the struggle against the Swedish and Polish invaders, Т. withstood a long siege. Later, it developed as a large trading and artisan center depending on the Assumption Monastery; in the 17th c., its population was rapidly growing, from 1,500 in the middle of the century to 3,000 by its end. In the first half of the 18th c., the importance of T. decreased, as well as its population. On March 21, 1773 the Tikhvin trading quarter was given the status of a town, and on Aug. 24, it became an uyezd center in Novgorod Governorship (Novgorod Gubernia from 1789.) The importance of T. grew again after 1811 when shipping along the Tikhvin canal system was started. In 1918-27, T. with its uyezd became a part of Cherepovets Uyezd, and in 1927, a district center of Leningrad Oblast. During WWII, from Nov. 8 till Dec. 9, 1941 it was occupied by the Germans. The Tikhvin offensive operation of 1941 was one of the first victories of the Red Army in WWII. On Oct. 24, 1974 the town was decorated with the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st Class. In the 1960s – 1980s, it was a large industrial and cultural center in the east of Leningrad Oblast. The architecture of T. reflects all the stages of its development. The earliest monuments are the buildings of the Assumption Monastery dated 16th and 17th cc. The ensemble of the Tikhvin Convent of the Presentation of the Virgin , Church of the Holy Sign, the Regiment Church, the Transfiguration Cathedral, the Church “Little Porch” , shopping arcade, and several stone and wooden residential houses are dated 18th and 19th cc. The historic part of T. has retained the planning structure of the late 18th c. In the 1960s, due to industrial growth, intense housing construction started, and the current layout was formed. T. is the native town of composer N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov, artist P. E. Zabolotsky, archeographer Y. I. Berednikov, and archeologist V. I. Ravdonikas. The town has the Tikhvin museum of historic memorials and architecture, Rimsky-Korsakov memorial house museum, district culture center, Palace of Culture, N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov Tikhvin School of Arts, children’s school of music, children’s school of arts, Y. I. Berednikov Tikhvin Town Library, Tikhvin central town library, and children’s library. The Alaborg regional center for retrieval and preservation of cultural values is engaged in research and publishing. The “Tikhvinsky Lel” Festival of Music is held annually. The “Veschiy Gamayun” and “Tikhvinets” magazines, and 13 newspapers, e.g. “Tikhvinskaya Nedelya”, “Trudovaya Slava”, and “Divya” are published; Radio Tikhvin station , Tikhvinskoye Televideniye and Televest TV studios work.

Yegorov, Sergey Borisovich

Berednikov, Yakov Ivanovich
Ravdonikas, Vladislav Iosifovich
Rimsky-Korsakov, Nikolay Andreyevich
Zabolotsky, Pyotr Yefimovich

Historical Toponyms/Novgorod Region under the rule of Governor-General
Historical Toponyms/Prechistensky Tikhvinsky Pogost
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District/Tikhvin Town
Historical Toponyms/Novgorod Gubernia (Province)/Tikhvin Uyezd
Topographical landmarks/Tikhvinka River, the
Historical Toponyms/Tikhvinsky Posad

Краснов Н.В. Тихвин Л., 1971. 175 с.: ил.
Крупейченко И.П. Тайны Тихвинской земли. История края с древнейших времён до XIV века. Тихвин, 1996
Крупейченко И.П., Балясов Н.К. Тихвин прежде и теперь. Л., 1970.
Мордвинов И.П. Старый Тихвин и Нагорное Обонежье: Ист. очерк. Тихвин, 1925
Самушенкова М.Л., Файнштейн Л.А., Шаскольский И.П. Тихвин: Ист.-краевед. очерк. Л., 1984.

Subject Index
"Alaborg", a regional centre on searching and preserving cultural treasures.
"lel of Tikhvin", a competition-festival of children choreogrphy groups
The Cathedral of the Transfiguration of Christ (Tikhvin Town)
The Chapel "Small Porch" (Tikhvin Town)
The Church of All Saints (Tikhvin Town)
The Church of the Icon of the Mother of God of the Sign (Tikhvin Town)
The memorial museum of N.A. Rimsky-Korsakov.
The Tikhvin Historical, Memorial, Architectural and Arts Museum, the
Tikhvin Children Art School named after N.A. Rimsky - Korsakov
Tikhvin Canal System
Tikhvin Central Town Library, the
Tikhvin children art school
Tikhvin children music school
Tikhvin Convent of the Presentation in the Temple
Tikhvin Dormition Convent, the
Tikhvin Town Children Library, the
Tikhvin Town Library named after Ya.I. Berednikov