Articles / Zabolotsky, Pyotr Yefimovich (1803-1866), an artist

Zabolotsky, Pyotr Yefimovich (1803-1866), an artist

Subject / Art/Personnel

ZABOLOTSKY, Pyotr Yefimovich (1803, Tikhvin Town – 1866), artist. He was born in a bourgeois (from other sources – in a peasant) family. In 1826, on A.R. Tomilov’s advice, he entered the St.Petersburg Imperial Academy of Arts as an auditor student; his teachers were A.Y. Yegorov and A.G. Varnek. In 1857 he became an academician. Since 1830 he participated in Academy exhibitions. In the middle of 1830s Zabolotsky created his best portrait paintings. In 1836 he taught painting several officers, including M.Y. Lermontov, and painted his portrait (1836-37). In the period 1840-50s Zabolotsky worked as a teacher at several educational institutions in St.Petersburg, including the High School of Painting at the Emperor’s Art Encouragement Society (1842-48). Zabolotsky combined features of classicism and traditions of Itinerants in his works. Along with the portraits he painted genre scenes and icons. Paintings of Zabolotsky can be seen in the State Russian Museum, State Tretyakov Gallery , some regional museums in Russia and Ukraine. He lived in St.Petersburg and spent summers in Tikhvin Town, the house in his native town, where he stayed, still exists (on the corner of Truda st. and Svyazi st.). Zabolotsky many times visited A.R. Tomilov’s Uspenskoye estate, he painted the interior of the house (“Komnata Doma Tomilova…” (“A Room in Tomilov’s House…”), 1833). He is an author of landscapes made in Staraya Ladoga Village and Shlisselburg Town . In 2005 Tikhvin Town Children’s Arts School was named after Zabolotsky.

Yegorov, Sergey Borisovich

Lermontov, Mikhail Yuryevich
Tomilov, Aleksey Romanovich
Varnek, Aleksandr Grigoryevich
Yegorov, Aleksey Yegorovich
Zabolotsky, Pyotr Yefimovich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Shlisselburg Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Volkhov District/Staraya Ladoga Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District/Tikhvin Town/Svyaz Street (Communications Street)
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District/Tikhvin Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District/Tikhvin Town/Trud Street (Labour Street)

Заболотский Пётр Ефимович // История Тихвина в лицах. Биобиблиографический указатель. Выпуск I. Часть 1 (XIII-XIX вв.). Тихвин, 2004., С.68-72
Никонов Н. Петр Ефимович Заболотский // Тихвинец. № 4. 1991., С.26-39
Тихвин on-line - Новости. URL:, С.26-39

Subject Index
Uspenskoye, a country estate