Ayramoiset, an ethnic group of Ingermanlandia Finns
Ayramoiset, an ethnic group of Ingermanlandia FinnsAuthors
Chistyakov, Anton Yuryevich
Keppen, Pyotr Ivanovich
Topographical landmarks/Duderhof Heights, the
Historical Toponyms/Euryapyae, region in the Karelian Isthmus Topographical landmarks/Gulf of Finland, the Historical Toponyms/Ingermanlandia (Ingria) Topographical landmarks/Karelian Isthmus, the Topographical landmarks/Kurgalsky Peninsula, the Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Lisino-Korpus Settlement Topographical landmarks/Luga River, the Topographical landmarks/Narva River, the Leningrad Oblast, the/Vsevolozhsk District/Novoye Toksovo Settlement Leningrad Oblast, the/Lomonosov District/Ropsha Settlement Topographical landmarks/Soikinsky Peninsula, the Saint-Petersburg City/Strelna Settlement Leningrad Oblast, the/Vsevolozhsk District/Vartyemyagi Village Bibliography
Чистяков А.Ю. Этнические группы ингерманландских финнов в 18-19 вв. // Петербургские чтения 97. Петербург и Россия. СПб., 1997., С.160-166
Subject Index
Finns of Ingermanlandia
Izhora (Izhora men) Savakots Mentioned in articles: