Articles / Yevropeus, Daniel (1820-18884), a scholar

Yevropeus, Daniel (1820-18884), a scholar

Subject / Ethnic culture/Personnel
Subject / Ethnic culture//
Subject / Ethnic culture//

David Emmanuel Daniel Europaeus (in Finnish - Taneli; in Russian - David Petrovich) (1820-1884) was a folklorist, archaeologist. Ethnographer. He was born in the family of a pastor in Olkkola Farmstead of the parish of Savitaipale of the Vyborg Gubernia (now in Finland). He finished a German lycée in Vyborg and in 1844 he entered the Helsingfors (Helsinki) University (didn't graduate from it). In 1845 he collected the folklore and materials for Finnish-Swedish dictionary in Eastern Finland as an assistant of E.Lönnrot, a folklorist, in 1846 he went on working in Karelia. Later, Europaeus regulary made expeditions through Finland and the North of Russia. In 1847, 1848 Europaeus was collecting the folklore of the Izhora, Votes, Finns of Ingermanlandia in the Saint Petersburg Gubernia. Here he wrote down the runes from the cycle about the slave Kullervo included by Lönnrot to the second edition of "Kalevala" (1849). All in all, Europaeus wrote down about 2500 runes in Karelia and Ingermanlandia. In 1847 he visited the areas of settling Veps (the Novgorod Gubernia) and Karelians of Tver (the Tver Gubernia) in 1848. Europaeus was a supporter of accurate publication of folk texts which caused his critical attitude to the second edition of "Kalevala". In 1872, 1874, 1877-79 he did excavations in the Tver and Novgorod gubernias (including in the east of the Leningrad Oblast - in the region of the Oyat River). He was occupied with journalism and in 1847 he became one of the makers of the newspaper "Suometar" in the Finnish language. He was an author of numerous scientific publications in Finnish, Swedish, German, Russian. Europaeus always lived in Saint Petersburg, kept in touch with Russian scientists (P.I.Keppen, P.S.Yefimenko, an explorer of the Russian North culture, Y.V.Barsov, a folklorist and ethnographer and others). In 1876 he worked as a tutor in the family of Y.Saarinen, a pastor of the Finnish Lutheran parish of Lisino (in Finnish - Liisila, Kaibolovo of Tosno District near Lisino-Korpus Settlement). He died and was buried in Saint Petersburg. In 1884 his ashes was carried and buried in Helsingfors (Helsinki). In 1999 in the native place of Europaeus a museum was opened.

Chistyakov, Anton Yuryevich

Barsov, Elpifidor Vasilyevich
Efimenko, Pyotr Savvich
Europeus, Daniel
Keppen, Pyotr Ivanovich
Lennorot, Elias
Saarinen, Yukho

Neighbouring Territories/Finland
Historical Toponyms/Ingermanlandia (Ingria)
Neighbouring Territories/Karelian Republic
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Kaybolovo Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Lisino-Korpus Settlement
Historical Toponyms/Novgorod Gubernia (Province)
Topographical landmarks/Oyat River, the
Historical Toponyms/Saint Petersburg Gubernia, the
Historical Toponyms/Tver Gubernia
Historical Toponyms/Vyborg Gubernia
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vyborg District/Vyborg Town

Карху Э.Г. Карельский и ингерманландский фольклор в историческом освещении. СПб., 1994., С.162-171
D.E.D. Europaeus – suurmies vai kummajainen // Kalevalaseuran Vuosikirja. 1988. № 67., С.162-171

Subject Index
Finns of Ingermanlandia
Izhora (Izhora men)
Vod (Votes)