Geographical Index / Historical Toponyms / Novgorod Gubernia (Province) / Obonezhskaya Pyatina ("Fifth")

Obonezhskaya Pyatina ("Fifth")

Group name
Novgorod Gubernia (Province)

Mentioned in articles:

Maps and plans
MAPS AND PLANS. The oldest M.a .P. of the Leningrad Oblast area are dated 16th century. The Neva Land and the Karelian Isthmus with the towns of Noteborg (Schlusselburg) and Kexholm (Priozersk), although with many distortions, are presented in... more

OBONEZHYE, historic and cultural region in the north-west of the European Russia. It included lands around Lake Onega. A part of the state of Novgorod: written sources from the 12th century mention the Obonezhskaya Hundred as an adm. and territorial... more