Articles / Pikalevo children music school

Pikalevo children music school

Subject / Art/Educational institutions

PIKALYEVO CHILDREN’S MUSICAL SCHOOL ( 24, Sovetskaya st., Pikalyevo-1 Railway Station). It was founded in 1964, sponsor – Municipal Institution “Boksitigirsky Raion” (“Boksitogorsk District”) administration. Main departments: musical (classes of the violin, button accordion, accordion, folk string instruments) and choral (academic, folk and solo singing). One of the main areas is Russian folk music and folklore. The school houses five choirs, button accordein and accordion orchestra, violin and domra ensembles. Folk music group “Zhaleika”, folk singing groups “Ladushky”, “Lozhkary” and also teachers’ concert groups: Russian folk group “Obereg” (“Talisman”), singing group “Kant”, family Egorovs’ folk group are well known. Some of them acquired a status of “people’s group”, “model folk group”. The school students are prize winners of different festivals and contests including international ones, many times they performed in St.Petersburg, Moscow and abroad – in Switzerland, USA and Denmark.

Osipov, Oleg Vasilyevich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Pikalevo Town/Sovetskaya Street

Никитина Е.Ф. Школа жива, школа живет, школа будет жить // Область культуры. 2004. № 6., 50-52
Румянцева И. Пикалево: У детского ансамбля свои ветераны. URL:, 50-52
Румянцева И. Оберег, покоряющий сердца. URL:,

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