Geographical Index / Topographical landmarks / Tosno Waterfall

Tosno Waterfall

Group name
Topographical landmarks

Mentioned in articles:

"Sablinsky", a natural monument
The "Sablinsky" is the state complex natural monument. It is located in the territory of the Tosno District and its area is 220 hectares. It is governed by the Government of the Leningrad Oblast. The purpose of the foundation is the conservation... more

Tosna River, the
TOSNA, river, left-hand tributary of the Neva. It flows in Luga, Tosno, and Kirovsk Districts of Leningrad Oblast and in St. Petersburg. Length: 121 km. Catchment area: 1640 sq. km. Flow rate: 11.6 cu. m/s. The source is in Luga District, 5 km... more