Articles / Especially restricted natural areas

Especially restricted natural areas

Subject / Nature memorials

The especially restricted natural areas. These areas of land, water surface and airspace which have the natural complexes and objects. These areas have special environmental, scientific, cultural, aesthetic, recreational and curative value. These areas were removed completely or partly from the economic usage with the decision of public authorities and they have the exceptional preservation. (The Russian Federation law “Ob osobo ohranyaemuh prirodnyuh territoriyah”(On Specially Protected Natural Areas) of 14 March 1995, No 33-F3). The especially restricted natural areas were founded in the Leningrad Oblast on 29 March 1976 in accordance with decision the Leningrad City Executive Committee under No 145 “O sozdanii zakaznikov I priznanii pamyatnikami prirodyu tsennyuh prirodnyuh obyektov Leningradskoy oblasti” (the law about creation of preserves and about recognition as the natural monuments of the valuable natural sites by the Leningrad Region). 17 Wildlife sanctuaries, 19 natural monuments, 5 protected areas for spawning salmon were founded. 42 species of the animals and 48 species of the plants were protected. The status of the especially restricted natural areas was confirmed on 26 December 1996 with the decision of the government of the Leningrad Oblast under the No 494. The establishment and the monitoring of the protected area have been administered by the Committee of natural resources and environmental safety of the Government of the Leningrad Oblast since 1993. The Nizhnesvirsky natural preserve, the wildlife sanctuaries, the natural monuments, the State Nature Park" Vepsian Forest" (“Veppskiy les”) were included in the especially restricted natural areas of the Leningrad Oblast. The area of the especially restricted natural areas was 340 thousand hectares in 1999. There are five territories in the Leningrad Oblast which have the status of the water - marsh lands of international importance.

Tripolskaya, Anna Aleksandrovna

Красная книга природы Ленинградской области. Т. 1. Особо охраняемые природные территории. СПб., 1999

Subject Index
Natural monuments
"Nizhnesvirsky", a reserve
"Vepssky Les" ("Veps Forest"), a park
Water - marsh lands