Articles / Aivazovsky (Gaivazovsky), Ivan Konstantinovich (1817 - 1900), artist

Aivazovsky (Gaivazovsky), Ivan Konstantinovich (1817 - 1900), artist

Subject / Art/Personnel

AIVAZOVSKY, Ivan Konstantinovich (Gaivazovsky) (1817–1900), marine painter. In the period 1833-39 he studied in St.Petersburg Imperial Academy of Arts, his teachers were M.N. Vorobyev and French marine painter F. Tonner. He became professor of the Academy in 1843 and academician in 1847. Aivazovsky worked as a painter at Naval Staff Headquarters, in the period 1854-55 he took part in the defence of Sevastopol City, sea cruises and battles. He worked in Crimea, Italy, Germany, France, Great Britain, Spain. Aivazovsky is the author of about 6 thousand paintings, over and above a lot of drawings and watercolours. In 1830s he spent summer months in A.R. Tomilov’s estate “Uspenskoye” (modern Staraya Ladoga Village). Here he painted his pictures “Farmstead”, “The Ruins of Staraya Ladoga Tower and Fortress” (both in 1834), etc.

Margolis, Aleksandr Davidovich

Aivazovsky, Ivan Konstantinovich
Tomilov, Aleksey Romanovich
Tonner, F.
Vorobyov, Maksim Nikiforovich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Volkhov District/Staraya Ladoga Village

Вагнер Л.А., Григорович Н.С. И.К. Айвазовский. М., 1970
Гришина Л.И., Файнштейн Л.А., Великанова Г.Я. Памятные места Ленинградской области. Л., 1973., 106
Пилипенко В.Н. Айвазовский: Альбом. Л., 1991, 106
А.Р. Томилов – коллекционер и ценитель прекрасного. URL:, 106

Subject Index
Uspenskoye, a country estate