Articles / Tosno District

Tosno District

Subject / Topography/Administrative - territorial division

TOSNO DISTRICT, municipal entity. Located in the south of the central part of Leningrad Oblast, bordering Gatchina District in the west, St. Petersburg in the north-west, Kirovsk District in the north-north-west, Kirishi District in the east, Novgorod Oblast and Luga District of Leningrad Oblast in the south. It was established in 1930 to include Lyuban District and parts of Detskoye Selo and Kolpino Districts. In 1953, a part of the abolished Pavlovsk District was added to T. D. In 1977, the north-western part of the district went to the new-established Kirovsk District. Population: 115,900. Area: 3601.2 sq. km. The district comprises 109 rural localities united in 12 rural settlements, and 7 urban settlements: towns of Tosno, Lyuban and Nikolskoye, and urban settlements of Krasny Bor, Ryabovo, Ulyanovka, and Fornosovo. The territory of T. D. is crossed by railroads from St. Petersburg to Moscow and Novgorod, and branches to Mga and Gatchina. Parallel to them a motor road extends, and there is also a network of intra-district roads. The first written information on inhabited places in those lands are dated late 15th century. They belonged to Vodskaya Pyatina of Novgorod Lands. From 1611 up to the early 18th century, the region belonged to Sweden (see Ingermanlandia), and Finnish peasants began to settle on its lands. After reunion with Russia, building stone production, brick making, and timber harvesting started to develop there. The St. Petersburg-Moscow post road was constructed, where postal stations (‘yams’) were set up in Yam-Izhora, Tosno, and Pomeranye. In 1843-51, the railroad between the two capitals was built. In Aug. 1941 – Feb. 1944 the district’s territory was under enemy occupation. Currently, manufacturing industries (over 30 large and medium enterprises), construction industry, and transport are rapidly developing in T. D. Artistic handicraft is developed too, in particular pottery and majolica production (Kolorit facility in Pomeranye, and masters in Ryabovo settlement.) The libraries of T. D. are integrated in a centralized library system, incl. Tosno central district library; there are many culture centers and culture houses. The folklore companies of Krasny Bor settlement and Fedorovskoye village, and Nurma school of arts are widely known. An advanced entertainment and sports complex functions in Seltso settlement. A forestry museum exists in the Forestry College in Lisino-Korpus settlement. The Tosno museum of local history is active, and there are school museums in Nurma settlement and in High School No. 1 of Nikolskoye Town. The “Tosnensky Vestnik” newspaper is published. The district has architectural monuments of the 18th – early 20th century. Among them are the “Remise” park, Forestry College building, Hunters’ Palace, and Church of the Procession of the Venerable and Life Giving Cross in Lisino-Korpus; Maryino estate in Andrianovo village where M. I. Glinka, A. N. Tolstoy, and A. A. Rylov used to stay; postal station in Pomeranye village (1st quarter of the 19th c.); railway hospital in Sablino (early 20th c.) Near Shapki settlement there are remnants of the estate park dated mid-18th century. The railway station building (1850) andChurch of St. Peter and St. Paul have survived in Lyuban. The district has 23 common graves of warriors who perished in WW2. Krasny Bor urban settlement is known for its “Yegoriy’s Merrymaking” traditional folklore feast and an all-Russian contest of shepherds. Near Ulyanovka urban settlement there are falls on the Sablinka River, and “Sablinsky” integrated natural monument attracting many tourists.
See also Tosno District: Arms.

Yegorov, Sergey Borisovich

Glinka, Mikhail Ivanovich
Rylov, Arkady Aleksandrovich
Tolstoy, Aleksey Nikolayevich, Count

Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Andrianovo Village
Historical Toponyms/Detskoye Selo District of the Leningrad Region
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Fornosovo Urban Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kirovsk District
Historical Toponyms/Kolpino District of the Leningrad Region
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Krasny Bor Urban Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Lisino-Korpus Settlement
Historical Toponyms/Lyuban District of the Leningrad Region
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Lyuban Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Nikolskoye Town
Historical Toponyms/Pavlovsk District of the Leningrad Region
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Pomeranye Village
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Ryabovo Urban Settlement
Topographical landmarks/Sablinka River, the
Topographical landmarks/Sablino Caves
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Sablino Settlement
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Seltso Settlement
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Shapki Settlement
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Tosno Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Ul'yanovka Urban Settlement
Historical Toponyms/Novgorod Land/Vodskaya Pyatina ("Fifth") (The territory of Novgorod Land located between rivers the Luga and the Volkhov and on the shores of Ladoga Lake)
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Yam-Izhora Village

Даринский А.В. Ленинградская область. Л., 1975., С.203-214
Двас Г.В. Поездом в Тосно: Тосненский район на старых открытках /Г.В.Двас. – СПб., 2003.-221 с.: ил., С.203-214
Культура Ленинградской области на рубеже тысячелетий. СПб., 2003, С.94-95
Тихомирова Р.В. Из истории Тосненского района. Марьино Усадьба Строгановых- Голициных. Тосно, 1998 - 48 с.: ил., С.94-95
Тосно и Тосненский район: Проспект. Спб., 1996, С.94-95
Яковлев В.Г. История Тосненского края от древнейших времен до реформ Петра I: Краевед. очерк /В.Г.Яковлев; Тосн. ист.-краеведч. музей. – Тосно: Б.и. 2003. – 44 с., С.94-95
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Subject Index
Lisino-Korpus, a country estate
Maryino, a country estate
Museum at the Nikolskoye Town Classical School No. 1, the
Museum of Forestry, the
Nurma Village School Museum, the
Raiway Station (Lyuban Station)
The Church of Apostle Peter and Apostle Paul (Lyuban Town, Tosno District)
Tosno Museum of the Local History, the