Articles / Marienhof, a country estate

Marienhof, a country estate

Subject / Architecture/Country estates

Marienhof, a country estate in the Kingisepp distrct. The land at the emptying of the River Solka into the River Luga. The land was named Terpigorye and was the family estate of General-Anshef Barony F.-B. Bleken, his ancestors owned the land in the 17th century. Since 1764 Baroness Charlotte-Matia Korf, a daughter of Bleken, became the owner of the grange Marienhof. The grange was named according to the owner's name. In 10 years the grange was sold to E.I. Delfin, a General Consul of Sweden merchants in the town of Narva. Under him in the 1780s the stone manor-house in the classicism style was built and it was not rebuilt till 1917. Since 1810 till the Revolution of 1917 nobles the Rezvys were the owners of Marienhof. Under Lieutenant-General D.P. Rezvy the estate park was enlarged, the area for the service constructions was alloted behind the park. The poet description of Mariehof was done by N.N. Vrangel in the magazine "Stariye Godi" ("Old Years") in 1910. At the pesent time the estate central part is occupyed with village constructions, on the 18th century building foundation the willage culture centre was built. Old trees and tracks of the origin planning of the park on the River Solka bank have been intacted.

Piryutko, Yuri Minayevich

Bleken, Franz-Wilhelm, Baron
Delfin, Yefim Ivanovich
Korf (nee Bleken), Charlota-Maria
Rezvy, Dmitry Petrovich
Wrangel, Nikolay Hikolayevich, Baron

Leningrad Oblast, the/Kingisepp District/Kingisepp Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kingisepp District/Koshkino Village
Topographical landmarks/Luga River, the
Topographical landmarks/Solka River, the
Historical Toponyms/Terpigorye, locality
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kingisepp District/Ust-Luga Settlement

Мурашова Н.В., Мыслина Л.П. Дворянские усадьбы Санкт-Петербургской губернии. Кингисеппский район. СПб., 2003., 9-25

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