Gorb, Dina Alekseyevna
Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Gatchina Town
Historical Toponyms/Saint Petersburg Gubernia, the/Gdov Uyezd Historical Toponyms/Olonets Gubernia (Province)/Lodeynoye Pole Uyezd Historical Toponyms/Saint Petersburg Gubernia, the/Luga Uyezd Topographical landmarks/Oyat River, the Topographical landmarks/Pasha River, the Historical Toponyms/Saint Petersburg Gubernia, the/Peterhof Uyezd Topographical landmarks/Syas River, the Historical Toponyms/Saint Petersburg Gubernia, the/Taytsi Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District Historical Toponyms/Novgorod Gubernia (Province)/Tikhvin Uyezd Historical Toponyms/Saint Petersburg Gubernia, the/Tsarskoye Selo Uyezd Historical Toponyms/Saint Petersburg Gubernia, the/Yamburg Uyezd Topographical landmarks/Yavosma River, the Bibliography
Горб Д.А. Гончарные промыслы Ленинградской области // Промыслы и ремесла народов СССР: Сб. науч. тр. ГМЭ. Л., 1986
Кузнецова И.А. О двух малоизвестных центрах традиционной глиняной игрушки Ленинградской области // Из истории собирания и изучения произведений народного искусства: Сб. научных трудов. Л., 1991. Subject Index
Lodeynoye Pole Museum of the Local History, the
Staraya Ladoga Historical and Architectural and Archaeological Museum-reserve, the The Tikhvin Historical, Memorial, Architectural and Arts Museum, the Mentioned in articles: