Articles / Lebedev, Gleb Sergeyevich (1943-2003), a scientist

Lebedev, Gleb Sergeyevich (1943-2003), a scientist

Subject / Relics/Personnel

Lebedev, Gleb Sergeyevich (1943-2003, Staraya Ladoga Village), an archaeologist, a professor of the Leningrad/St. Petersburg University (1990). He graduated from the history faculty of the Leningrad State University in 1968, taught at the archaeology department. Lebedev studied problems of the Slav-Russian achaeology and genesis of Russia ( Ph.D. thesis "Pogrebalny obryad skandinavov epokhi vikingov" ("The Funeral Ritual of Scandinavians of the Viking Epoch", 1972); the thesis for a Doctor's degree "Epokha vikingov v Severnoy Evrope" ("The Viking Epoch in the North Europe", 1987)). From 1993 Lebedev headed the St. Petersburg branch of the Russia Research Institute of Culture and Nature Heritage at the Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation and the Russian Academy of Sciences (from 1998 it is the Centre of Regional Researches and Museum Technology "Petroskandika" NIIKSI (the Research Institute of Complex Social Investigations) of the St. Petersburg State University). The field investigations are directly connected with the Leningrad Oblast territory. From 1969 Lebedev as a member of the North-West archaeological expedition of the Leningrad State University studied gorodishches (ancient fortified settlements) and funeral sites of Verkhneye Poluzhye (the Luga River upstream region) and other regions. From 1985 to 1995 Lebedev jointly with Yu.B. Zhvitashvili carried out the experimental archaeological and navigational expedition "Nevo" along "The trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks" awarded the N.M. Przhevalsky Medal by the Russian Geography Society. G.S. Lebedev was the author of ca. 200 scientific works including five monographes. Developed by Lebedev conception of "The Baltic Civilization of the Viking Epoch" opened the new outlook of international humanitarian investigations of the North Europe. In the late 1990s Lebedev was a deputy of Lensovet (the Leningrad Soviet), a member of the Presidium and the first Head of the Standing Commission on Culture and and Cultural and Historical heritage. G.S. Lebedev was buried at the cemetery of Staraya Ladoga Village.

Plotkin, Konstantin Moiseyevich

Lebedev, Gleb Sergeyevich
Zhvitashvili, Yuri Borisovich

Leningrad Oblast, the/Volkhov District/Staraya Ladoga Village
Topographical landmarks/Verkhneye Poluzh'ye

Гражданин Касталии, ученый, романтик, викинг / Подготовил И.Л. Тихонов // Санкт-Петербургский университет. 2003. № 28-29, С. 47-57
Клейн Л.С. Глеб Лебедев: археология и не только // Stratum plus. 2001/02. № 1 (2003)., С. 552-556
Клейн Л.С. Ученый, гражданин, викинг // Клио. 2003. № 3., С. 261-263
Памяти Глеба Сергеевича Лебедева / Е.А. Мельникова, В.Я. Петрухин, Т.А. Пушкина и др. // Российская археология. 2004. № 1., С. 190-191
Ладога и Глеб Лебедев. Восьмые чтения памяти Анны Мачинской: Сб. статей. СПб., 2004, С. 190-191

Subject Index
Fortified ancient settlements
Trade route from the Varangians to the Greeks