Articles / Antony (Bochkov) (1803-1872), hegumen, clergy figure

Antony (Bochkov) (1803-1872), hegumen, clergy figure

Subject / Religion. Church/Personnel

Antony (Aleksey Polikarpovich Bochkov; 1803-1872), a hegumen, clergy figure, ecclesiastical writers. He studied in a private boarding school, took part in literary life. In the 1820s he often went to Revel; he published some essays, two stories about the Baltic knighthood. Since 1828 he wandered around monasteries, since 1837 he became a monastic novice of the Hermitage of the Holy Trinity and St. Sergius. In 1844 he was professed as a monk and ecclesiastical dignity. He travelled to the Holy Land and Mount Athos, wrote the book "Russkiye poklonniki v Iyerusalime" ("The Russian Worshippers in Jerusalem", 1875). A long period of Antony's life was connected with monasteries of the St. Petersburg Eparchy: the Staraya Ladoga Monastery of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker (1848; from the late 1852 he was the spiritual father of the monastery); the Tikhvin Monastery of the Dormition (1857) and the Tikhvin Conversation Monastery of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. Since 1851 Antony returned to the poetry. Since 1861 he was the hegumen of the Tikhvin Convent of the Presentation in the Temple and during 1862-1868 he was being the hegumen of the Cheremenetsky Monastery of St. John the Theologian. Under Antony the monastery service houses, the St.Petersburg city residence of the monastery with a chapel were built in 1863-1864. He wrote the article "Cheremenetsky Bogoslovsky monastyr" ("The Cheremenetsky Monastery of St. John the Theologian", 1866). Most works of Antony (including poems about Ladoga monasteries) have not published. Antony was buried in a scete of the Ugreshsky Monasteries of St.Nicholas the Wonderworker; the grave has not survived.

Bertash, Aleksandr Vitalyevich

Antony (Bochkov), Father Superior

Письма Игнатия Брянчанинова, епископа Кавказского и Черноморского, к Антонию Бочкову, игумену Череменецкому. М., 1875
Воспоминания архимандрита Пимена. М., 1877, С. 208-210
Рейтблат А. И. Бочков Алексей Поликарпович // Русские писатели: Биографический словарь. 1800-1917. Т. 1. М., 1989, С. 322-323
Исаков С. Г. Забытый литератор А. П. Бочков и его связи с Оптиной пустынью // Оптина пустынь. Монастырь и русская культура. М., 1993, С. 237-269

Subject Index
Cheremenetsky Monastery of St. John the Theologian
Staraya Ladoga Monastery of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
Tikhvin Conversation Monastery of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker
Tikhvin Dormition Convent, the
Vvedeno - Oyatsky (Vvedeno-Ostrovsky) Monastery, the