Articles / Bolshoy Sabsk, village

Bolshoy Sabsk, village

Subject / Topography/Villages

BOLSHOY SABSK, a village in Volosovo District. Population: 1300. It situated at the point of the Saba River flowing into the Luga on the Moloskovitsi-Osmino Highway. The toponym Saba is of Baltic Finnish origin, from Estonian saba = “tail” or “branch.” A medieval mound burial and ground burial have been found near the village. B. S. has the “The Luga Frontier Line ” diorama museum (1981) dedicated to the defensive battles in the beginning of the Great Patriotic War (July – Aug. 1941), and a memorial obelisk (see Sabsk museum of the local history.) Search teams operate in the environs. B. S. has a library, and a culture center hosting a district pop and bard song festival named “I Sing For You, My Native Land” held since 2001 (under the auspices of the “Salute of Victory” all-Russian amateur festival.) The Luga River in way of B. S. has rapids 5 km long, and outcrops of grey limestone. The Saba River has outcrops of red Devon sandstone containing remains of primeval fish. In 1976, the State geological natural monument “Geological Ordovician and Devonian Outcrops on the Saba River” was established (area: 650 hectares.)

Chistyakov, Anton Yuryevich

Topographical landmarks/Luga River, the
Topographical landmarks/Saba River, the
Leningrad Oblast, the/Volosovo District

Subject Index
Bolshesabsk House of Culture
Bolshoy Sabsk Rural Library, the
Geological outcrops of the Ordovisian and Devonian periods strata at the Saba River", a natural monument
"I sing for my native land", regional festival of variety and bard songs
Sabsk Museum of the Local History, the