Bazarova, Irina Aleksndrovna
"Domovushka", a folk art studio
“DOMOVUSHKA”, folk studio (25, Lenina av., Lodeynoye Pole Town). Children’s folk studio of applied arts has been working since 1995 at Municipal Culture Institution “Park Svirskoy Pobedy ” (“Park of Victory at Svir Settlement”). The studio is aimed... more
Folk art centres
CENTRES OF SOCIAL AND CULTURAL ACTIVITIES, state culture institutions, organizational and methodical centres of amateur and folk art and clubs. There are three such kind culture institutions in the Leningrad Oblast: 1) Centre of Social and... more
Lodeynoye Pole Children Center of the Aesthetics Development
“DETSKY TSENTR ESTETICHESKOGO RAZVITIYA” (“CENTRE OF CHILDREN’S AESTHETIC DEVELOPMENT”)(10, Lenin av., Lodeynoye Pole Town). It was founded according to a decree “O Reorganizatsiy Detskoy muzikal’noy Shkoly, Doma Detskogo Tvorchestva I Sozdaniy... more
Volkhov children music school named after Jean Sibelius
VOLKHOV TOWN CHILDREN’S MUSICAL SCHOOL NAMED AFTER JAN SIBELIUS (3, Yarvenpyaya st., Volkhov Town). It was opened in 1952, in 1992 it moved to a specially built building. Sponsor is Municipal Institution “Volkhovsky Raion” (“Volkhov... more