Geographical Index / Leningrad Oblast, the / Vsevolozhsk District / Novosaratovka Village

Novosaratovka Village

Group name
Vsevolozhsk District

Mentioned in articles:

Colonists (immigrants in Tsar Russia)
Colonists are a class group existed in the 18th - the early 20th century. Catherine II promulgated manifestoes (dated 4 December 1762 and 22 July 1763) allowed to foreigners to settle in Russia for rapid settlement of lands and development of... more

The Germans (their own native name is Deutsche) are an ethnic community which is a part of the polpulation of the Leningrad Oblast. The religious Germans are Lutherans and Catholics. The Germans are the main population of Germany. In Russian (in... more

Lutheranism. The first Lutheran parish was formed in Koporye in 1590 in the territory of the contemporary Leningrad Oblast. The dissemination of Lutheranism began in Russia after the annexation of the lands of the Neva River by Sweden in 1617. ... more

"Nevsky", a wooded park
A woodland park "Nevsky" is located on the right bank of the Neva river, in the north-east from Novosaratovka Village (in the Vsevolozhsk district of the Leningrad Oblast). It was founded in 1937; at the same time drainage trenches were build and... more

Novosaratovka, a settlement of Germen-colonists
Novosaratovskaya colony (the present village of Novosaratovka of Vsevolozhsk District) is a settlement of Germans - colonists on the right bank of the Neva River. It was founded by immigrants from Württemberg and Brandenburg in 1765. In the 18th... more

The Theology Seminary of the Evangelical - Lutheran Church
THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF INGERI EVANGELICAL-LUTHERAN CHURCH NAMED AFTER S.-J. LAURIKKALA (Kolbino Village, Vsevolozhsk District). In 1993 the Synod of Ingeri Unified Lutheran Church made a decision to found a Centre of Deacon Education. In 1995 a... more

The Lutheran Church of St. Catherine (Novosaratovka Village, Vsevolozhsk District)
The Lutheran Church of St. Catherine (Novosaratovka Village, the Vsevolozhsk District). A wooden church was built by German colonists in 1766 in Novaya Saratovka, a new established colony on the Neva River right bank in 13 versts from saint... more

Vsevolozhsk District
VSEVOLOZHSK DISTRICT, a part of Leningrad Oblast. Area: 2945.4 sq. km. Population: 215,200. Adm. center: Vsevolozhsk Town. Comprises Sertolovo Town, six urban settlements (Dubrovka, settlement named after Morozov, settlement named after Sverdlov,... more