Nikolskoye Town
Group name
Tosno District
Mentioned in articles:
Children Art Schools
CHILDREN’S ARTS SCHOOLS (CAS). In the last years Children’s Musical Schools (CMS) and Children’s Painting Schools (CPS) have had a growing tendency for unification into Children’s Arts Schools (CAS). By 2007 the Leningrad oblast had had 104 CAS,... more
Pustunka, a country estate
Pustunka, a country estate (the town of Nikolskoye, the Tosno district). Since 1817 a part of the waste ground on the River Tosna right bank belonged to the literary man A.D. Kopyev which built a small estate there and gave it the name Pustinka. In... more
School museums
School museums began to establish in the Leningrad Oblast between 1950 - the 1960s in connection with developing the local history studing, heroic and patriotic and environmental movement among school children. Teachers of history and geography... more
Tosna River, the
TOSNA, river, left-hand tributary of the Neva. It flows in Luga, Tosno, and Kirovsk Districts of Leningrad Oblast and in St. Petersburg. Length: 121 km. Catchment area: 1640 sq. km. Flow rate: 11.6 cu. m/s. The source is in Luga District, 5 km... more
Tosno District
TOSNO DISTRICT, municipal entity. Located in the south of the central part of Leningrad Oblast, bordering Gatchina District in the west, St. Petersburg in the north-west, Kirovsk District in the north-north-west, Kirishi District in the east,... more