Articles / "The wreath of the glory of St. Alexander Nevsky", a festival

"The wreath of the glory of St. Alexander Nevsky", a festival

Subject / Art/Festivals, holidays, shows

“VENOK SLAVY ALEKSANDRA NEVSKOGO” (“ALEXANDER NEVSKY’S WREATH OF GLORY”), oblast festival in honour of 750th anniversary of Nevskaya Battle in the mouth of the Izhora River (modern Kolpino Dictrict of St.Petersburg). It was first held on July, 7th- 8th in 1990. The initiator of the festival was Staraya Ladoga Culture Preserve of History, Architecture and Archeology. Later the festival became a traditional one. After the issue of a Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “O Prazdnovaniy 775-Letiya So Dnya Rozhdeniya Aleksandra Nevskogo” (“About Celebration of Alexander Nevsky’s 775th Birthday”) (1995), a festival with the modern name started to be held in the places connected with the life and deeds of the warlord. On the territory of the Leningrad Oblast the place of celebrations is Staraya Ladoga Village. Organizers of the festival are: Staraya Ladoga Culture Preserve of History, Architecture and Archeology; the Leningrad Oblast Government Culture Committee; Administration of Municipal Institution “Volkhovsky Raion” (“Volkhov District”); the Leningrad Oblast Education and Methodology Centre of Culture and Art. The festival programme includes theatrical performance, performances of musical choreography groups from different districts of the Leningrad Oblast, public street festivities. The festival is held on the second Sunday of July.

Ryzhova, Irina Petrovna

Alexander Nevsky, Prince

Topographical landmarks/Izhora River, the
Leningrad Oblast, the/Volkhov District/Staraya Ladoga Village

Войцехович Л. «Венок славы Александра Невского» – областной праздник // Информационный сборник ЛОУМЦК и И, 2002, № 9., 7-8
«Венок славы Александра Невского»: Сб. / Сост. Д.А.Горб, А.Г.Рыжов, И.П.Рыжова. СПб., 2003., 7-8

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