Articles / Local History Editions

Local History Editions

Subject / Local studies

Local History editions, on single districts and towns belonged to the Leningrad Oblast on the present days, began to publish in the end of the 19th century. Originally materials on the history of the oblast were published in "Gubernskiye novosyi" ("The Gubernia News") from the 1840s and in "pamyatniye knizhki" ("Momorable Books") from the 1860s. The first single editions devoted to uyezd towns were L.I. Grigoryeva's book "Tikhvin I yego svyatinya: Opisaniye goroda, Tikhvinskogo monastirya I prebivayushchey v nem svyatine" ("Tikhvin and Its Sacred Object: the Discription of the Town, Tikhvin Bolshoy (Great) Monastery and the Sacred Object being There", SPb, 1889) and N.P. Markov's "Novaya Ladoga, uyezdny gorod Sankt-Peterburgskoy gubernii v sovremennom yego sostoyanii" ("Novaya Ladoga, an Uyezd Town of the Sankt-Peterburg Gubernia in Its Contemporary Condition", Ostrov, 1892). The most active publishing work was done in Tikhvin Town where in 1913 the Tikhvin branch of the Novgorod Antiquity Lovers Society was organized. As early as 1911 I.P. Mordvinov published the work "Tikhvinskaya starina" ("Tikhvin Antiquity"), included reports on the Tikhvin District history, in the issue No. 4 of the collection. During 1913-1917 Moedvinov published works devoted to the events of the early 17th century in the district. From 1914 to 1918 three numbers of the magazine "Tikhvinets" ("Tikhvin Rezident" was issued and in 1916 "Tikhvinsky zemsky kalendar-spravochnik na 1917" ("The Tikhvin District Calendar-Reference for 1917". Pg., 1916) was published. In the 1920s the publishing activities were continued in Tikhvin, at the same time works were included in the generalizing collection "The Tikhvin Collection" (Tikhvin, 1926). P.N. Zhulev's "Ocherk ictorii Kingiseppskogo uyezda I goroda Kingiseppa (bivshego Yama-Yamburga)" ("The Essay on the History of the Kingisepp Uyezd and Kingisepp Town ( former yam-Yamburg)", Kingisepp, 1924) and two-volume "Trudi Leningradskogo obshchestva izucheniya mestnogo kraya" ("Proceeding of the Leningrad Society of the Local History Study". L., 1927) were published in the same years. After persecutions on the local history study which took place on the border of the 1920s-1930s the revival of it was marked in the late 1950s -1960s. It was firstly expressed as publications of local history materials in the local press, as well as publishing the series of the local history essays devoted to the leningrad Oblast towns and districts. During this period books about Boksitogorsk, Volkhov, Vsevolozhsk, Vyborg, Gatchina, Kingisepp, Lodeynoye Pole, Luga, Petrokrepost, Slantsi, Staraya Ladoga, Tikhvin, Tosno and others were published. Many of them were re-published in 1970-the 1980s. The 1990s were marked with the rapid development of the publishing activities in the provinces including materials on the history of the oblast. Some pre-revolutionary local history and literary anthologies were renewed, many new editions as "Vuoksa" (Priozersk Town), "The Luga District" (Luga Town), "Granges ans Muses" (Vsevolozhsk Town), "Lake District" ("Novaya Ladoga Town), "Oredezh" (Gatchina District), "Tikhvinets" (Tikhvin Town), "Pathes into the Past" (Volkhov Town) have appeared. In the middle of 1990s school-books on the local history of the Boksitogorsk, Vsevilozhsk, Gatchina, Kingisepp, Tikhvin, Tosno districts were prepared; a number of the local history works - "Volkhovsky istorichesky kalendar" ("The Volkhov History Calendar", Volkhov, 2001), "Volosovo: Istoriya rodnogo kraya" ("Volosovo: the History of the Native District", Volosovo, 2002), "Lodeynopolsky kray v istorii Rissii" ("Lodeynoye Pole Land in the History of Russia", SPb, 2002) and others- were published. From 1996 publishing the series of books devoted to the Past of the Karelian Isthmus, "Karelsky peresheyek - zemlya neizvedannaya" ("the Karelian Isthmus is the Unexplored land"), has been continued.

Yegorov, Sergey Borisovich

Grigoryev, Leonid Ivanovich
Markov, N.P.
Mordvinov, Isaaky Petrovich
Zhulev, P.N.

Leningrad Oblast, the/Boksitogorsk District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Boksitogorsk District/Boksitogorsk Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District/Gatchina Town
Topographical landmarks/Karelian Isthmus, the
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kingisepp District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kingisepp District/Kingisepp Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Lodeynoye Pole District/Lodeynoye Pole Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Luga District/Luga Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Volkhov District/Novaya Ladoga Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vsevolozhsk District/Petrokrepost
Leningrad Oblast, the/Priozersk District/Priozersk Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Slantsi District/Slantsi Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tikhvin District/Tikhvin Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District/Tosno Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Volkhov District/Volkhov Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Volosovo District/Volosovo Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vsevolozhsk District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vsevolozhsk District/Vsevolozhsk Town
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vyborg District/Vyborg Town

Аннотированный библиографический указатель краеведческой литературы (2003-2004 годов издания) в фонде ЛОУНБ. СПб., 2004
Аннотированный библиографический указатель краеведческой литературы (2000-2002 годов издания) в фонде ЛОУНБ. СПб., 2003

Subject Index
"Granges and Muses", a local history collection
"Luzhsky Rayon" ("Luga District"), a local history anthology
"Oredezh", an anthology
"Ozerny Kray" ("The Lake District"), an anthology on literature and local history
Tikhvin Branch of the Novgorod Society of Antiquities Lovers, the
"Tikhvinets" ("Tikhvin Resident"), a magazine
"Tropinki v proshloye" ("Ways to the Past"), an anthology
"Vuoksa", a Priozersk local history anthology