Rubricator / Ethnic culture / Ethnic communities
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Ayramoiset, an ethnic group of Ingermanlandia Finns
The Ayramoiset (Ayramoiset, Evremeisy, Evrimeisy) is an ethnic group of the Finns of Ingermanlandia. Descendants of the migrants of the 17th century to Ingermanlandia from the region of Euryapyae on the Karelian Isthmus. The Ayramoiset kept archaic... more

Chud, see Vod

Eparhy of Novgorod
Eparhy of Novgorod. It is one of the oldest eparchies in Russia (it has been being since 992). The eparchy was the largest, it included five administrative regions (pyatinas) as well as the Pskov, Onega Lake, Karelia lands and the region of the... more

Estonians (their native name is Eestlased, old use - Maarakhvas) is an ethnic community. The Estonian language is related to the Baltic-Finnic subgroup od the Finno-Ugric branch of the Uralic language family. They live in Estonia (963 thousand... more

Ethnic groups if the Leningrad Oblast
Ethnic communities of the Leningrad Oblast. The settled communities of people historically formed on the certain territory, having the common features of culture and self-consciousness expressed in the native name are called an ethnic community (or... more

Finno-Ugric nations
Finno-Ugric nations are ethnic communities speaking the languages of the Finno-Ugric group which is a part (together with the Samoyedic and Yukaghir groups) of the Ural (Uralic-Yukaghir) language family. Finno-Ugric nations have lived historically... more

Finns (old use - Chukhnas, their native name is Suomalaiset) is an ethnic community which is a part of the population of the Leningrad Oblast. In the world there are more than 5 million Finns. They are the main population of Finland (4,6 million... more

Finns - Inkeri, see Ingermanlandia Finns

Finns of Ingermanlandia
Finns of Ingermanlandia (Finns-Inkeri, Finns of Leningrad; old use - Chukhonets, Maimists; their own native names - Soumalaiset, Inkerin Suomolaiset) are an ethnic community. They speak local accents of the eastern dialects (the Baltic-Finnic... more

The Germans (their own native name is Deutsche) are an ethnic community which is a part of the polpulation of the Leningrad Oblast. The religious Germans are Lutherans and Catholics. The Germans are the main population of Germany. In Russian (in... more

Gypsies (their native name is Roma) is an ethnic community which is a part of the population of the Leningrad Oblast. The descendants of the migrants from Germany and Sweden related to the group of "Russian Roma" were noted on the territory of the... more

INGERMANLANDIA (Swed. Ingermanland, Rus. Izhora Land or Ingria), historic and cultural region in the western part of the Leningrad Oblast (Kingisepp, Volosovo, Lomonosov, Vsevolozhsk, Gatchina, Tosno, western part of Kirovsk Districts.) The western... more

"Inkerin Liito", a Finnish Public Society
"Inkerin Lito" ("Ingermanlandsky soyuz" ("Ingermanlandian Union") is a society of Finns of Ingermanlandia. It was organized in 1988 (the constituent assembly was in Taytsi Urban Settlement) and registered in 1989. In S.Petersburg and the Leningrad... more

Izhora (Izhora men)
Izhora (Izhoras, the own native name is Izurit) is an ethnic community. Their language is related to the Baltic-Finnic subgroup of the Finno-Ugric branch of the Uralic language family. Accorging to the most widespread version the Izhora separated... more

Jews (their own native name in Hebrew is yegudim, in Yiddish - yid or ayid) are an ethnic community which is a part of the population of the Leningrad Oblast. The Hebrew language is related to the Semitic group of the Afrasian language family; the... more

Karelians (their own native name is kar'yalaizet) is an ethnic community. Among Karelians there are some ethnic local groups which can be stood out. The Karelian language is related to the Baltic-Finnic subgroup of the Finno-Ugric branch of the Ural... more

Karelians- livviks

"Karlsky Peresheyek" ("The Karelian Isthmus"), a national park
Karlsky Peresheyek ("The Karelian Isthmus") is a national park. It is located in the territory of the Vsevolozhsk, Vyborg and Priozersk districts of the Leningrad Oblast. It occupies the area of 25 thousand hectares. It was founded with the decision... more

Korela, fortress, the
The Korela fortress (the town of Priozersk located on the bank of the River Vuoksa). The historic names: Kyakisalmi ("The Cuckoo Strait"; the Karelian name), Karelian Town (the Novgorod name), Korela (the Moscow name), Keksgolm (the Swedish name).... more

Kurgans (barrows) of the southern Ladoga Lake region.
Kurgans (barrows, burial mounds) of the southern Ladoga Lake region (the late 9th - early 13th centuries) pertain to so-called the Lake Ladoga region Chuds whose descendants took part in forming Vepses and Karels. They were likely to be "kolbyagi",... more

Latviens (their own native name is Latvieshs) is an ethnic community forming a part of the population of the Leningrad Oblast. The Latvian language is related to the Baltic group of the Indo-European language family. The religious are Lutherans and... more

OBONEZHYE, historic and cultural region in the north-west of the European Russia. It included lands around Lake Onega. A part of the state of Novgorod: written sources from the 12th century mention the Obonezhskaya Hundred as an adm. and territorial... more

Olonets Gubernia, the
OLONETS GUBERNIA, adm. and territorial unit in the North-West of Russia in the late 18th – early 20th century. Olonets Province (Oblast) was established in1773, with Olonets as its center. In 1776, the province was added to the new-established... more

Oyatskaya ceramics
OYAT POTTERY. Pottery existed in Russian and Veps villages on the Oyat River (modern Lodeynoye Pole District) from time immemorial. It was due to deposits of high quality red clay. Pottery was especially developed in the XVIII c. Oyat potters... more

Russians are an ethnic community, the main population of the Russian Federation. Among Russians there are some ethnic groups and ethnographic groups can be marked (e.g. Cossacks and Pomors (coast-dwellers (inhabitants of White Sea and Barents Sea... more


Savakots (Savakot, Savaki) is an ethnic group of Ingermanlandia Finns. They are descendants of the migrants resettled in the 17th century to Ingermanlandia from the province of Savo in Eastern Finland. The culture and dialect of Savakots were closer... more

Swedes (their native name is Svenskar) is an ethnic community. The Swedish language is related to the Germanic group of the Indo-European language family. The religious Swedes are Lutherans. At present they live mainly in Sweden (7,75 million... more

Tiversk military post, a fortress
Tiversk military post, a fortress (Priozersk district, in 3.5 km to south from Vasilevo Settlement). The reinforced settlement on island in the middle of the Vuoksa River, near the Tiuri rapids that was tribal and handicraft centre of the Karelian.... more

Traditional business and handicraft
TRADITIONAL TRADES AND HANDICRAFTS originated from household occupations and crafts which were aimed at production of household objects for the peasants' own needs. Originality of traditional trades in Leningrad Oblast is connected... more

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