Articles / Reserves


Subject / Nature memorials

Reserves (Sanctuaries in the international classification) . This is category of special protected natural territories which founded for protection or restoration the components of nature and for maintenance the common ecological balance. Some categories of the economical activity are constrained on the territories of the reserves. First 17 reserves are founded on 29 March 1976 in accordance with decision of the Leningrad City Executive Committee under No. 145 “O sozdanii zakaznikov I priznanii pamyatnikami prirodyu tsennyuh prirodnyuh obyektov Leningradskoy oblasti” (the law about creation of preserves and about recognition as the natural monuments of the valuable natural sites of the Leningrad Oblast). Today in the Leningrad Oblast there is the State Nature Reserve “Mshinskoye boloto”(Mshinskoye Marsh)(was founded in 1982) and 22 Reserves of the regional importance. There are some game-preserves in the Leningrad Oblast that were founded in 1928.
The State Nature Reserve of the Leningrad region
The Federal Reserve:
1. "Mshinskoye Marsh" - a natural reserve of federal importance (Gatchina District, Luga district ; Square - 69,461 ha, including 9000 hectares - the lake area).
The Reserves of regional importance:
1.“Beluy kamen”(White Stone) - the natural complex reserve (The Luga District; Square - 3000 ha);
2.“Berezovuye Ostrova”(Birch Island) - the natural complex reserve (The Vyborg District, square. - 54,520 ha, including 45,320 ha - a water area of the Finnish Hall.)
3. “boloto Lammin-Suo”(Marsh Lammin-Suo) – the natural hydrologic (marsh) reserve (Vyborg district, square - 380 ha);
4.“Boloto Ozernoye”(Marsh Ozernoye) - natural hydrologic (marsh) reserve (The Vyborg District, square - 1,044 hectares, including 100 hectares - the lake area);
5."Vyborgskiy" - a natural complex reserve (the Vyborg district, square - 11200 ha, including 5000 hectares - a water area of the Gulf of Finland.)
6."Gladyshevskiy" - a natural complex reserve (The Vyborg District of the Leningrad Oblast, The Kurortny district of St. Petersburg., Square - 8419 hectares, in the Leningrad Oblast- 7654 ha);
7."Glebovskoe Boloto" (Glebovskoye Marsh) - the natural hydrological reserve (The Gatchina District, The Tosno District, the Luga District; square - 14700 ha);
8."Gostilitsy" - the natural botanical reserve (The Lomonosov District; Square - 1595 ha);
9. "Gryada Vyayaryamyaenselkya" (Ridge Vyayaryamyaenselkya) -the natural complex reserve (The Priozersk District; Suare - 7297 ha);
10.“Dubravyu г derevni Velkota”(Oak forest near village Velkota)- the natural complex reserve (The Kingisepp District; Square - 375 ha)
11.“Kotelsky” - the natural complex reserve (the Kingisepp District; Square - 12,134 ha, including 3030 hectares - the lake area);
12. "Kurgalsky" - the natural complex reserve (The Kingisepp District; Square - 59,950 ha, including 38,400 ha - a water area of the Gulf of Finland., 848 hectares - the lake area)
13."Lindulovskaya rocha" (Lindulovskaya grove) - the natural botanical reserve (the Vyborg District, square - 986 ha);
14."Lisinsky" - the natural complex reserve (The Tosnensky District; Square - 28,413 ha);
15. “Ozero Melkovodniye”(Shallow Lake) – the natural ornithological reserve (The Vyborg District; square - 3900 hectares, including 1100 ha- of the lake area);
16. "Rakitinsky" - the natural botanical reserve (The Gatchina district, sqaure - 777 ha);
17."Rakovuye ozera” (crayfish lake)- the natural complex reserve (the Vyborg district, Square - 9700, including 600 hectares - the lake area);
18. “Sever Mshinskogo bolota”(North of the Mshinskoye marsh)- the natural hydrological reserve (The Gatchina District, The Luga district; Square - 14,700 ha);
19. "Syabersky" - the natural complex reserve (The Luga District; Square - 11400 ha, including 2000 ha - the lake area);
20."Cheremenetsky" - the natural landscape reserve (The Luga District; Square - 7100 hectares, including 3500 hectares - the lake area);
21. “Chistuy moh”(Clean moss) – the natural complex reserve (The Kirishi District; Square - 6434 ha);
22. "Shalovo-Perechitsky" - the natural landscape reserve (The Luga District; Square- 4850 ha).

Tripolskaya, Anna Aleksandrovna

Leningrad Oblast, the/Gatchina District
Topographical landmarks/Gulf of Finland, the
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kingisepp District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Kirishi District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Lomonosov District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Luga District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Priozersk District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Tosno District
Leningrad Oblast, the/Vyborg District

Красная книга природы Ленинградской области. Т. 1. Особо охраняемые природные территории. СПб., 1999, 48-102
О региональной целевой программе «Поддержка и развитие особо охраняемых природных территорий Лен. обл. на период до 2010 г. URL:,

Subject Index
"Bely kamen" ("The White Stone"), a reserve
"Beryozoviye ostrova" ("Birch Islands"), a reserve
"Boloto Lammin-Suo" ("The Marsh of Lammin-Suo"), a reserve
"Cheremenetsky", a reserve
"Chisty Mox" ("Pure Moss"), a reserve
"Gladyshevsky", a reserve
"Glebovskoye Marsh", a reserve
"Gostilitsky", a reserve
"Gryada Vyayaremyayenselkya", a reserve
"Kotelsky", a reserve
"Kurgalsky", a reserve
"Lintulovskaya grove", a reserve
"Lisinsky", a reserve
"Melkovodnoye Lake", a reserve
"Mshinskoye boloto" "Mshinskoye marsh", a reserve
"Oak forests near the village Velkota", a reserve
"Rakitinsky", a reserve
"Rakoviye Lakes", a reserve
"Shalovo-Perechitsky", a reserve
"Syabersky", a reserve
"The North of Mshinskoye marsh", a reserve