Rubricator / Art / Educational institutions
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Sosnovoborskaya children art school

Sosnovoborskaya children music school

Sosnovskaya children arts school

Sovetsk children music school

State Peasant University named after St. Cyril and St. Methodius
PEASANTS’ STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER KIRILL AND MEFODIY (KGU(“PSU”)) (73, Kirov av., Luga Town). It was founded according to resolution issued on 26 of June 1991 by the Executive Committee of Luga Town local authorities as Peasants’ Academic... more

Svetogorsk children art school

Svetogorsk children music school

Syaskelevo children arts school

Syasstro children musical school

Syasstroy children art school

Syasstroy children music school

Taytsy children music school

Telmanovskaya children arts school

The Theology Seminary of the Evangelical - Lutheran Church
THEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF INGERI EVANGELICAL-LUTHERAN CHURCH NAMED AFTER S.-J. LAURIKKALA (Kolbino Village, Vsevolozhsk District). In 1993 the Synod of Ingeri Unified Lutheran Church made a decision to found a Centre of Deacon Education. In 1995 a... more

Theology Institute of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church of Ingria named after S.-Y. Laurikaly
Theology Institute of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church (ELC) of Ingria named after S.-Y. Laurikaly (the village of Kolbino, the Vsevolozhsk District). In 1993 the Synod of ElC of Ingria adopted the decision about the foundation of the Deacon... more

Tikhvin Children Art School named after N.A. Rimsky - Korsakov
TIKHVIN TOWN ARTS SCHOOL NAMED AFTER N.A. RIMSKY-KORSAKOV (2, 1st microdistrict, Tikhvin Town). Children’s musical school was opened in Tikhvin Town in January 1946. In 2001 it acquired a status of arts school. Founder – Administration of... more

Tikhvin children art school

Tikhvin children music school

Tolmachevo children music school

Tosno children arts school

Ulyanovsk children music school

Verevskaya children music school

Voiskovitsy children art school

Volkhov children arts school

Volkhov children music school named after Jean Sibelius
VOLKHOV TOWN CHILDREN’S MUSICAL SCHOOL NAMED AFTER JAN SIBELIUS (3, Yarvenpyaya st., Volkhov Town). It was opened in 1952, in 1992 it moved to a specially built building. Sponsor is Municipal Institution “Volkhovsky Raion” (“Volkhov... more

Volosovo Roerich Children Art School
VOLOSOVO TOWN ARTS SCHOOL NAMED AFTER N.K. RERIKH (10/5, Krasnykh Partizan str., Volosovo Town). It was founded in 1998 uniting Children’s Music School and Children’s Arts School named after N.K. Rerikh. The headmistress is I.V. Fedorova. The... more

Vsevolozhsk children arts school

Vsevolozhsk children musical school named after M/I/ Glinka
VSEVOLOZHSK TOWN CHILDREN’S MUSICAL SCHOOL NAMED AFTER M.I. GLINKA (1, Vsevolozhsky av., Vsevolozhsk Town). It was founded in 1956, since 2000 bears the name of M.I. Glinka. Founder – Municipal Institution “Vsevolozhsky Raion” (“Vsevolozhsk... more

Vyborg children art school

Vyborg children music school No.1
VYBORG TOWN CHILDREN’S MUSICAL SCHOOL №1 (2a, Lenin av., Vyborg Town). It was founded in 1949, sponsor is Municipal Institution “Vyborgsky Raion” (“Vyborg District”) administration. The main specializations are: the violin, viola, cello,... more

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